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Some of the important ways in which fields such as economics, politics and
education helps in a country’s progress have science which are necessary to enhance their
been listed below. capabilities. When people are informed, it gets
easy to interact with others, at a global level.
Education Helps People Become Better
Hence, education helps people realise that
it is important and right to perform their
Education helps people to become aware of duties. Th e Government of India has taken
their’s and other countries’ socioeconomic several measures to improve the literacy
scenarios. As a result, they help in the progress rate in villages and towns of India. On 4th
of the country. Whether it is a simple thing August, 2009, the government passed an
like using water sparingly or taking a bus to act known as Right to Education Act 2009.
work instead of using the bike or car to save It ensures free and compulsory education
fuel, the educated masses somehow tend to to all the children up to the age of 14. Th is
contribute towards the country’s well-being. was similar to ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ which
Uneducated people somehow are neither aimed at the universalisation of education in
aware of their surroundings nor of their a time bound manner. Education increases
rights and duties. productivity and also speeds up technological
Education Shows the Importance advancements. Th is eventually increases the
of Rights and Duties probability of more healthy and productive
children. All these factors promote economic
When people are educated, they are aware
of the things which would benefi t them and
their country. Th ey know of their duties as
citizens and of the actions which they could
take to boost the economy of the country.
Th is would eventually raise their standard of
living. Education also helps the citizens vote
for leaders who can make a positive diff erence
in the economy of a country.
Education Helps in Getting Jobs
It is diffi cult for an uneducated person to get Education empowers people to build a better society.
a worthwhile job. Unemployment is a serious
Skilled and Unskilled Human
obstacle in the development and progress of a
country’s economy. It is a hindrance towards
the economic growth of the nation. Education Human resources are also referred to
helps people in developing nations as it as manpower. Th ere are three types of
exposes them to new ideas and imaginations. human resources—skilled, semi-skilled and
It gives them access to globalisation. With unskilled. In this section, we shall learn about
education, people understand more about skilled and unskilled human resources.
globalisation: the process by which businesses or other organisations develop international infl uence or start
operating on an international scale