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According to the Prime Minister of India, gain from investing in skill development
Narendra Modi, India has the potential programmes that will train workers with
to emerge as the ‘human resource capital’ skills that are needed in their respective
of the world just as China has become a sectors.
global ‘manufacturing factory’. ‘Skill India’ • Th e Skill India Mission is an opportunity
and ‘Make in India’ campaigns are the for companies to give some serious
programmes started by the government to thought to how they can play an impactful
promote learning of any skill formally and role in bridging the skill gap in the
to promote indigenous production and country. Wide-scale impact cannot occur
manufacturing. Th e top five sectors which without the active involvement of the
are currently inadequate due to the amount private sector. By leveraging the Skill
of unskilled labour in India are listed here. India Mission and engaging with the
1. Domestic help—Informal sector government and various implementation
2. Automobile sector agencies, companies can work to provide
3. Building and construction the much needed training programmes
4. Textile to the vast population of unskilled people.
5. Clothing Th is will ultimately benefi t the industries
With the help of training and education, these and contribute to the growth and
sectors could prove to be the highest revenue development of the country.
generators in India.
Impact of Skilled Human Resources
Increasing Skilled Human Resources on the Development of a Country
in India
Human resources and human beings are
• Th e Government of India has set up a not the same. We can fi nd human beings
Skills Ministry which is determined to everywhere but only some of them can
encourage innovative ideas and modules be labelled as human resources. Human
in the skill development landscape. At the resources indicate the active age group of
same time, this ministry would also assist people who can economically contribute
the youth of the country in the skilling towards the growth of their country.
and entrepreneurial domain. In the modern age, the value of human
• Th e National Skill Development resources in a country is increasing every day.
Corporation (NSDC) has identifi ed over Th e ways in which these human resources
24 high-growth sectors for which potential impact a nation have been discussed below.
employees require to be skilled. Of these,
Agricultural Development
the manufacturing, textile, construction,
automotives, retail, healthcare and Development of agriculture in an agrarian
transportation sectors are expected to country becomes the foremost priority.
witness the highest growth. Companies Agriculture is labour intensive, hence, the
operating within these sectors stand to manpower needed to do the work needs
entrepreneurial: characterised by the taking of fi nancial risks in the hope of profi t