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training facilities, and lack of health and            availability of water resources attracts
                    medical facilities are some of the problems            a large agrarian population. Hence, the
                    that people in rural India face. To get rid of         largest concentration of population occurs
                    these issues and to have better opportunities          in the plains of the north, particularly in
                    in life, rural populations migrate to urban            the Ganga Plain.
                    areas. Hence, the population distribution           •  India’s geography and weather are diverse.
                    changes which results in an increase in urban          Th  e coastal areas and the cities that are
                    population.                                            near large water bodies also attract a
                                                                           large population due to their favourable
                    Benefi ts of Urban Life
                                                                           climatic conditions. On the other hand,
                    Urban life has its own benefi ts such as better
                                                                           the western region of India that makes up
                    educational, medical and health facilities,
                                                                           the Th  ar Desert, is sparsely populated as a
                    greater number of job opportunities, better
                                                                           result of its harsh climate.
                    developed modes of transport and recreation
                                                                        • Th  e relief features also play a vital role
                    centres. People from villages get lured by these
                                                                           in the distribution of population. Plains
                    materialistic services and try to settle down in
                                                                           have more scope for modern development
                    towns and cities. Th  e National Sample Survey
                                                                           as compared to hills, deserts or marshy
                    Organisation states that the main reason a
                                                                           lands and can provide latest infrastructural
                    rural male migrates to an urban area is for
                                                                           benefi ts such as convenient transportation.
                    employment whereas a rural female does so
                                                                           Srinagar Valley, Delhi, Pune and Nasik are
                    for matrimonial reasons.
                                                                           all well-connected by roadways or railways.
                       10.0                                             •  Some areas are suitable for the setting up
                                                                           of industries due to good connectivity
                       70.0              RURAL                             and the availability of raw materials.
                     Percentage  50.0                                      Such factors oft en result in an increase in
                       10.0                                             Sex Ratio
                            1955  1960  1965  1970  1975  1980  1985  1990  1995  2000  2005  2010  2015  2020  2025  2030  2035  2040  2045  2050  Th  e number of females per 1,000 males is
                                                                        the indicator of the sex ratio in any country.
                      Urban population increases every year whereas rural
                             population is seen to be decreasing.       Th  is composition is a very signifi cant
                                                                        and important indicator of the quality of
                    Geographical Features                               population of a country. It also indicates

                    Geographical features and the location of a         the status of women in a country. In the last
                    place are important factors in determining          two decades, there has been a considerable
                    the density and distribution of a population.       improvement in the Indian sex ratio.
                    Given below are some of the geographical            Sex ratio in India, as per the recent census, is
                    features and how they aff ect the population        940 which is largely comparable to the best
                    distribution.                                       performance (941 in 1961) in the last fi ft y
                    • Th  e availability of agricultural land, the      years. Th  e sex ratio directly refl ects the status
                       depth and quality of the soil, and the           and position of women in a society. In the

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