P. 106
Deciduous Vegetation
Deciduous vegetation covers parts of Korea,
China, Russia and Japan. In certain regions of
China, it is known as the North-east China
Plain deciduous forest and in another part
of China, it is known as the Manchurian
mixed forest. Th e part located in Korea is
also known as the Central Korean deciduous
forest. Th e vegetation found here is oak,
camellia, magnolia, camphor, beech and
chestnut. Some animals found in this region
Polar Bear
Reindeer are monkeys and foxes, and some of the birds
are parrots, peacocks and pheasants.
Tropical Deciduous
Seal Arctic fox Th e tropical deciduous vegetation can be
divided into tropical deciduous and tropical
Some animals found in the tundra region
monsoon forest regions. Th e tropical
Taiga monsoon forest experiences a slightly
heavier rainfall than the tropical deciduous.
Taiga vegetation begins from Siberia and
Th is vegetation is found in India, Pakistan,
continues till the northern part of Japan. Th e
Bangladesh, Myanmar, Th ailand, Vietnam,
trees in this region have needle-like leaves,
Laos, Cambodia and southern China. Th e
deep roots, thick barks and bear their seeds
trees of this region experience a long dry
in cones. Th ey are called coniferous trees and
season followed by a season of heavy rainfall.
some examples of these trees are pine, spruce
Th ey usually shed their leaves during the dry
and fi r. Larch and cedar also grow here.
season and start growing leaves again at the
Animals like the sable mink, polar fox, bear,
start of the rainy season. Trees such as teak,
lynx and squirrel are found here.
sal, shisham and mango are commonly found
Elephants are an important asset to the people
Thick coniferous trees in Siberian taiga forest of Cambodia.