P. 110
Do It Yourself
1. Conduct an investigation on the factors that infl uence the climate of your town or city and
compare it to the factors that aff ect the climate of another city. Discuss your fi ndings in class.
2. Include the following important climatic factors in your description of the climate in your
community and the other locations.
• Average daily temperatures in winter and summer
• High and low temperatures during winter and summer
• Average monthly precipitation in winter and summer
• Average winter snowfall (if any)
• Growing season (number of days between last spring frost and fi rst autumn frost)
• The latitude of your town
• The lowest elevation in your town
• The physical features that can be found in or fairly near your town
Think and Discuss
We have seen how climate aff ects and impacts our daily actions. Consider each of the situations
listed below and imagine how the weather aff ects people’s decision-making every day. Try to see
all the implications of each situation.
(a) A farmer estimates that his fi eld would be ready for harvest in a week’s time. When he
switches on the radio, it is announced that a thunderstorm is expected in his area by the
(b) The manager of a large food store is told that the next weekend is going to be hotter than
(c) The air traffi c control tower of a busy airport receives a phone call saying that the following
day is likely to be foggy.
(d) A teacher has planned some geography fi eldwork for her students on Saturday but on that
day, there is an unexpected downpour of rain because of the cyclonic conditions that have
developed over the Bay of Bengal.
Try to think of some more similar situations and analyse them with your friends.