P. 111

Theme 7: India: Geographical Features

                        8                    India—


                      ndia has a unique geological history. Th e        Implications of Latitudinal Extensions
                   IIndian subcontinent was part of an old              • Th  e Tropic of Cancer divides India into
                    landmass called Gondwanaland since the                 nearly two equal parts. Th  e southern half
                    formation of the Earth’s crust. However,               lies in the hot tropical zone whereas the
                    around 50 million years ago, it broke away             northern half lies in the warm temperate/
                    from Gondwanaland and came together with               subtropical zone.
                    the Tibetan landmass to form the the young          •  Temperature generally decreases with
                    fold mountains we now call the Himalayas. At           increasing latitude. Th  e tropical part
                    present, India is the seventh largest country          (peninsular India) of the country, being
                    in the world.                                          near the Equator, has warm and tropical
                                                                           climatic conditions with no distinct
                    Location and Extent of India                           winter. Th  e subtropical part (northern

                    India lies entirely in the Northern and                India) has a more or less extreme climate,
                    the Eastern Hemisphere. Mainland India                 i.e., hot summers and cold winters. Th is
                    extends between latitudes 8°4’N and 37°6’N,            variation in climate from warm Kerala to
                    and longitudes 68°7’E and 97°25’E. Th e                cold Kashmir is mainly due to the large
                    southernmost tip of India is  Indira Point             latitudinal extent.
                    in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which lies           • Th  e variations in the duration of the day
                    at 6°45’N latitude. Th  e Tropic of Cancer             and night also massively diff er from the
                    (23°30’N) divides the country into almost              north to the south. Kanyakumari, which
                    two equal parts.                                       is very close to the Equator, has an almost
                    Th  e east-west stretch and the north-south            equal duration of night and day. However,
                    stretch of India measure approximately 3,000           Kashmir, being far from the equator, has a
                    kilometres in both directions. Th  is causes a         big diff erence (almost 5 hours) between the
                    time lag of two hours between the local time           durations of day and night. Th is happens
                                                                           because the further a region is located
                    at the eastern and the western ends. India’s           from the Equator, the more uneven the
                    standard time is the time along longitude              duration of the nights and days will be in
                    82°30’ East. Th  is longitude passes through           that region as that region does not receive
                    Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh and is referred to          direct sunlight for a fi xed period of time.
                    as the Standard Meridian of India.
                    While India’s longitudinal stretch gives rise
                    to a time lag between the east and the west, its    Boundaries of India
                    latitudinal stretch infl uences the duration of     Afghanistan and Pakistan share the
                    days and nights.                                    boundaries of India towards the north-west.

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