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here. Th ickets of bamboo, grasses and thorny Creepers, climbers, tall grasses and bamboo
bushes are found in the drier regions. grow between the tall trees and make the
A variety of animals like elephants, monkeys, forest very dense. Very little sunlight reaches
snakes, bears, deer, apes, lions, tigers, leopards the ground as the leaves act as a canopy.
as well as many diff erent birds are found here.
Deserts are found in the Arabian Peninsula,
Tibet, Mongolia and the desert-like steppe
lands bordering the Caspian Sea.
The Komodo dragon, the biggest lizard in the world,
in its natural habitat in Indonesia
Animals such as monkeys, apes, birds of
various species, and reptiles such as lizards,
Camels resting in Jaisalmer, Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India snakes and crocodile are seen here.
Plant cover in the deserts is sparse and they
are either moisture-combating, waxy, deep- Lat. 90°
rooted thorny shrubs or sporadic stunted
trees. Clumps of dry grasses are found Tundra
scattered in this region. Date palms and other
scanty vegetation are seen growing around Taiga Subarctic
oases. Camels, horses, mules, lizards and
insects are some of the animals found here. Decreasing temperature Forest Woodland Middle latitude
Equatorial Rainforest Chaparral Desert
Equatorial rainforests are found in Malaysia, Monsoon forest Tropical
Indonesia and southern Philippines. Th e and scurb Savanna
characteristic feature of the vegetation in this
Lat. 0°
forest is dense hardwood with broad leaves.
Decreasing precipitation
Trees found here are mahogany, ebony, Infl uence of latitude and longitude on the distribution
rosewood, cinchona, coconut and rubber. of biomas
oases: a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found
canopy: a roof-like projection or shelter