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hot air which prevails over the land rises and      of climates. Th  is climatic variation can range
                    creates an area of low pressure. Th is makes        from hot, wet and equatorial type to cold
                    the winds from the high pressure regions that       arctic type depending on which latitude the
                    are surrounded by seas and oceans, move             region lies in.
                    over the land, carrying with them moisture-
                    bearing clouds. Th  ese winds then cause heavy      Distance from the Sea
                    rainfall in the countries which are located
                    in the southern part of the continent such          Regions near the coast experience maritime
                    as India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Th ailand,            climate which is infl uenced by land breeze
                    Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, China           and sea breeze. On the other hand, areas that
                    and parts of Japan.                                 are located far away from the sea experience
                                                                        extreme temperatures, i.e., very hot summers
                    Winter Monsoon
                                                                        and very cold winters.
                    From October to March, the Northern
                    Hemisphere receives the slanting rays of the        Alignment of the Mountain Ranges
                    sun as the rays are directly over the Tropic of
                    Capricorn. Th  erefore, there is a drop in the      Most of the mountain ranges in Asia have an
                    temperature. Th  e air over the land becomes        east-west alignment. Due to this alignment,
                    heavy and this leads to the creation of high        winds bearing cold air or rain are obstructed
                    pressure zones over the land. A large amount        by the mountains. For example, the Himalayas
                    of cold dry air blows out from the continent        stop the cold Siberian winds from entering
                    towards the seas because the surrounding            regions to its south. Th  e Himalayas also
                    seas and oceans have higher temperatures            obstruct the moisture-bearing winds travelling
                    and therefore lower air pressure. Since             from the south to cross over to Central Asia.
                    the winds are dry, most of Asia does not            At the same time, Rajasthan receives very
                    experience rainfall. However, some of the           scanty rainfall as the Aravalli Hills are aligned
                    cold dry winds absorb water vapour when             with the monsoon winds and do not
                    they reach the ocean surface far from the land      obstruct their path, which lets the monsoon
                    and cause parts of South-East Asia, Japan,          winds pass without precipitation.
                    south-eastern India and parts of northern Sri
                    Lanka to receive winter monsoons as they lie        Ocean Currents
                    in the path of these winds. A few regions of        Th  e temperature of the ocean currents also
                    South and West Asia receive winter rainfall
                                                                        play a role in aff ecting the region’s climate.
                    from the temperate cyclones that originate
                    over the Mediterranean Sea.                         For example, warm currents like the Kuroshio
                                                                        raise the temperature along the Japanese
                    Factors Aff ecting the Climate of Asia              coast while cold currents like the Oyashio

                    Asia is a huge continent and its climate varies     lower the coastal temperature along Japan.
                    across its regions. Th  e factors that infl uence
                    these diff erences in climate are discussed below.                   Let’s Discuss
                                                                               What kind of climate does your region
                    Latitudinal Extent and Size                                experience? What do you think are the

                    Since the continent of Asia has a vast latitudinal       factors that are infl uencing the climate of
                    extent (10°S to 80°N), it experiences a variety                       your location?

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