P. 101

Do It Yourself
                     On an outlined map of Asia, mark and label the following physical features given below. Use blue
                     for rivers and other water bodies, brown for mountains and yellow for deserts.
                          Yangtze (Chang) River                Pacifi c Ocean                 Himalayas
                          Huang He (Yellow) River              East China Sea                 Gobi Desert

                          Sea of Japan                         Indian Ocean                   Arabian Sea
                          South China Sea                      Brahmaputra River              Tien Shan Mountains
                         Ganga River                           Bay of Bengal                  Indus River

                     Think and Discuss
                     Every major river in the world has a dam constructed on it to supply energy and protect the
                     nearby cities, and also to help the environment. Read the news report below and answer the

                     Information:   In   Laos,   an
                     800-metre-long dam is being
                     built along the Mekong River.
                     The government of Laos is
                     hoping for a profitable business,
                     because they want to use it for
                     generating energy. Cambodia
                     and Vietnam have tried to
                     prevent the construction several
                     times. They fear that it will cause
                     damage to the environment.
                     The government of Laos is
                     convinced that the construction
                     will not cause any environmental

                     Answer the following
                     questions in groups. You can
                     use the Internet.
                     1.  What are the
                         consequences of
                         constructing a reservoir
                         dam at River Mekong?

                     2.  Is the Irrawaddy dolphin
                         aff ected by the
                         construction measures?
                     3.  Why is the government
                         of Laos acting against all

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