P. 102
7 Natural Vegetation
and Wildlife
n the previous chapter, we had studied seasonal change that moves in the direction
Ithe physiography of Asia. In this chapter, of the prevailing or strongest winds of a
we shall learn about the climatic zones, region. Some call it a large-scale example of
natural vegetation and wildlife of Asia. We land breeze and sea breeze. Monsoons cause
understand that climate is an important wet and dry seasons throughout much of the
part of our lives. Our way of life and various tropics. Th ey are most oft en associated with
economic activities such as agriculture, the Indian Ocean.
industries and commerce are all aff ected by Monsoons always blow from cooler to
climate. warmer regions. Th e summer monsoon and
the winter monsoon determine the climate
Climate for most of India and South-East Asia.
Asia experiences a variation in climatic
conditions across its regions on account
of diff erent oceans, mountains, deserts as
well as the varied wind patterns that can be
found there. Some areas experience climatic
extremities while some are pleasantly
moderate. Areas located away from oceans
and seas experience extreme conditions and
continental climates whereas places located on
the coasts experience maritime and moderate
climates. Th e mountain ranges may also stand People riding on motorbikes during heavy
monsoon rains in Saigon, Vietnam
in the way of the rain-bearing clouds from the
south and prevent the cold winds from the Summer Monsoon
north to move in a southwardly direction.
In the course of the Earth’s revolution around
the sun, the sun’s rays start falling directly
Monsoon over the Northern Hemisphere from March
Th e monsoons play a very prominent role to June, stretching up to September. By June,
in Asia. A monsoon is a wind system that when the sun is directly over the Tropic of
reverses its direction every six months. Th ey Cancer, most parts of Asia experience an
usually fl ow from the sea to land in the summer average temperature of 32°C, except the
and from the land to sea in the winter. It is a regions beyond the Arctic Circle. Hence, the