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because the Himalayan mountains block rain          Water Bodies
                    clouds from reaching this region.
                                                                        Some of the most magnifi cent water bodies
                                                                        can be found in Asia. A few of them have
                                                                        been briefl y discussed below.

                                                                        Caspian Sea

                                                                        Th  e Caspian Sea, located in western Asia on
                                                                        the eastern edges of Europe, is the largest lake

                                       Gobi Desert                      on the planet. Oil and natural gas production
                                                                        platforms are constructed almost all along
                    Taklamakan Desert
                                                                        the edges of the sea. Although fresh water
                    Taklamakan Desert is China’s largest desert         fl ows into the sea via the Volga River and
                    extending over 3,37,000 square kilometres.          Ural River in the north, the sea remains salty.
                    Composed primarily of shift ing  crescent           Th  e measured surface area is 3,71,000 square
                    sand dunes, the Taklamakan Desert is one of         kilometres.
                    the largest sandy deserts in the world.
                                                                        Lake Baikal
                    Thar Desert
                                                                        Lake Baikal is located in south-eastern
                    Covering 2,00,000 square kilometres in India        Russia, directly to the north of Mongolia. It is
                    and Pakistan, the Th  ar Desert is Asia’s only      not only recognised as the oldest (still existing)
                    subtropical desert. Primarily occupying the         freshwater lake on the planet, but also as the
                    Indian state of Rajasthan, the Th ar  Desert        deepest continental body of water at 5,315
                    receives up to 20 inches of rain per year,          feet. Lake Baikal is about 626 kilometres
                    primarily during the monsoon period from            in length.
                    July to September. Most crops are grown
                    during this rainy season.                           Aral Sea

                                                                        Th  e Aral Sea is located in the countries of
                                                                        Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan just to the east
                                                                        of the Caspian Sea. Unfortunately, the Aral
                                                                        Sea is disappearing and is currently found
                                                                        almost totally polluted by fertiliser runoff  and
                                                                        weapon testing residue that were left  by the
                                                                        former Soviet Union’s scientifi c experiments

                               Sand dunes in the Thar Desert            as well as by careless industrial projects.

                     Let’s Recall

                     •   Asia is the world’s largest continent, both in terms of land area and in population.
                     •   Asia extends from 10°S to 80°N latitude and from 25°E to 170°W longitude. Its north–south
                         distance is 8,560 kilometres and it stretches for about 9,600 kilometres  from east to west.

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