Page 9 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 9

Suggested Learning Resources  Books of science/Chemistry  •  Charts/Models showing the   •   structure of atom  • Valency cards • Charts depic   ng the important and  simple chemical equa   ons in which  the state of reactants and products   is also shown  Magnesium wire, match box  •  Limestone, tongs, test tube, burner  •  CuO, ZnO, Al 2 O 3 , litmus paper  •

                      Suggested Transac onal Processes    Discussing historical perspec   ve of discovery of electrons, protons and neutrons. • Iden   fying that a nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Electrons are present in its extra  Describing that atomic number (Z) is the number of protons in an atom. It is also equal to the  Mass number: It is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in an atom.  • Organising compe      ons to recapitulate the symbols of elements in the class by using valency  cards. (symbols and valency of fi  rst

                            nuclear part.  number of electrons in an atom.  • Revisi   ng earlier concepts. Building on children’s previous learning.  elements/radicals under the guidance of teacher.  equa   on. • Giving prac   ce in balancing simple equa   ons.  chemical equa   on.  with examples using chemical equa   ons. Showing burning of a magnesium ribbon.      Synthesis  CaO + H 2 O  Ca(OH) 2 Ca(OH) 2  + CO 2   CaCO 3  + H 2 O  C + O 2   CO 2  Decomposi   on Decomposi   on of CaCO 3 , PbO.   Displacement Displacement of Cu from CuSO

                         •    •   •              •    •   •    •   •      •    •   •   •                                       •                  •
                      Learning Outcomes  Students will be able to  describe that an atom   •   consists of electrons,   protons and neutrons; • defi  ne atomic number   and mass number;  discuss valency of   •   elements and radicals   with respect to the   number of hydrogen   atoms combining   with one atom of the   element.  Students will be able to  recall the symbols of   •    erent elements;  diff  derive the formulae of   •  compounds on the basis  of valencies of elements   and radicals; write chemical equa   on   •   of a reac   on;  • bal

                         Fundamental subatomic par   cles present in an   reactants and products, nature of the chemical   The metal that displaces the metal ion from

                      Key Concepts  atom: electrons, protons, neutrons Nucleus and extra nuclear parts Atomic number and mass number  Symbols of elements  Formulae of compounds • Chemical equa   ons (from word equa   ons) Law of conserva   on of mass Balancing simple equa   ons Relate the law to the balancing of simple  • Informa   on gathered from a chemical  • Limita   ons of a chemical equa   on: Catalyst,  condi   ons for the reac   on, state of the  reac   on are not gathered from the equa   on.   Double displacement  In reac   vity series

                         •   •   •   Integra   on  Physics  •   •   •   •   •   equa   ons  equa   on  Integra   on  Mathema   cs, Physics  Types of reac   ons:  •    Combina   on      Decomposi   on      Displacement        • Reac   vity series:           •   •   reac   ons • Neutralisa   on reac   on  • Classifi  ca   on of oxides   Acidic      Basic      Amphoteric      Neutral     in nature.  amphoteric oxides.

                      Theme  4. Atomic   Structure  5. Language of   Chemistry  6. Chemical   Reac   ons
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