Page 10 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 10

Suggested Learning Resources  Experimental assembly set up in   the lab Charts on prepara   on of Hydrogen  NaCl, KCl, Na 2 CO 3 , etc. Sugar, water, broken glass rod,   burner • Collec   on of samples of solu   ons,   suspensions, colloids Copper sulphate crystals • Soap solu   on, clay in water  • CaCl 2   les Silica gel pouch in water bo  Sodium metal, magnesium ribbon,   MgO, CaO  • Washing soda  Models of structures of diamond   and graphite Sample of graphite as an electrode   le/R.B. fl  ask, delivery     bo  • Woulff t


                                                                      erent chemical      •   •    erent structures.

                      Suggested Transac onal Processes    Preparing hydrogen by the electrolysis of acidifi  ed water. • Demonstra   ng ac   vity to prepare hydrogen by the reac   on of Zinc with acid (It is collected by  the downward displacement of water as it is lighter than air). • Correla   ng the concept of oxida   on and reduc   on with addi   on and removal of oxygen or  Explaining the concept by using the example of one student gaining oxygen and the other  losing oxygen, thereby ge ng oxidised and reduced, respec   vely.      Recognising

                         •   • Discussing proper   es and uses of hydrogen.  removal and addi   on of hydrogen.  •   • Revisi   ng earlier concepts. Building on children’s previous learning.  •   •   salts in water.  • Diff  •   • Diff the quan   ty of the solute dissolved.  •   •   •   •   reac   vity.  • Diff  ac   vity.       ening of      •   •    erent.  are diff  •   •   •   •  collec   on by upward displacement of air.  •        the milkiness disappears.  •   •   •   •
                      Learning Outcomes  Students will be able to  • describe the  prepara   on of hydrogen   from electrolysis of   water; prepare hydrogen in the   •  lab. using zinc and acid; • describe proper   es and   uses of hydrogen;  correlate concepts of   •  oxida   on and reduc   on   with addi   on and  removal of oxygen or  removal and addi   on of   hydrogen.  Students will be able to  describe that water   •   dissolves many   substances and it is a   universal solvent;  • iden   fy a solu   on,   suspension and  colloid on the ba

                         • Prepara   on of hydrogen,from water –   required). • Prepara   on of hydrogen in the laboratory.  reasons)  • Bosch’s process • Proper   es and uses of hydrogen • Oxida   on and Reduc   on  Integra   on  explana   on Universal solvent – meaning • Solu   ons, suspensions, colloids  supersaturated solu   ons Suspensions and colloids Water of crystallisa   on Hydrated and Anhydrous substances,   hygroscopic  and steam (with products formed)     of hard water Disadvantage of using hard water  trea   ng with washing soda  Al

                      Key Concepts  electrolysis (Introduc   on to terms electrode,  electrolyte, electrolysis - detailed process not   Preference of zinc as the metal to be used (with  Choice of dilute acids (other than dil. nitric acid)  • Dissolu   on of salts in water – meaning and    eren   ate unsaturated/saturated and   • Reac   vity of metals with cold water, hot water  Hard and so  water and methods of so   Removing hardness of water by boiling or by   Crystalline and amorphous nature of allotropes  Uses of diamond, graphite, coke, coal,

                      Theme  7. Hydrogen  •   •   Physics  8. Water  •   • Diff  •   •   •   •   •   •   •  9. Carbon   and Its   •  Compounds  •   •   •
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