Page 13 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 13

on                         on                            on
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                      Some More Assessment Tools Observe and Perform: Observing the ac  series and answering the ques  Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques ons based on life skills      Integrate Your Learning: Integra  with Mathema cs and Physics     es: Crea ng a presenta       vi   Review Your Learning: Worksheet  Observe and Perform: Observing the image and    ons answering the ques  Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques ons based on life skills      Integrate Your Learning: Integra    es: Crea n

                         •   •   thinking skills  •   (teamwork)  •   Projects and Ac   •   and making a chart  •   •   •   thinking skills  •   (teamwork)  •   with Biology  Projects and Ac   •   and making a chart  •   •   •   thinking skills  •   •   Projects and Ac   •   and making a chart  •
                                                                  cles    on   lled water

                         To show that hydrogen gas is lighter than air To show that hydrogen gas is combus      impuri es, but well water has impuri  To determine the boiling point of water      To show that ice is lighter than water   on To test the quality of tap water and dis      To show the presence of carbon in sugar  absorbs colouring ma  To show the forma on of sugar charcoal    To prepare kajal from vegetable oil   on not support combus

                       vi es      ble To show that hydrogen gas is a strong reducing agent  To show that rainwater does not contain any dissolved    es To observe the effect of changing pressure on the freezing  To show that many substances can be dissolved in water  rring, hea ng and the small size of par        To show that copper sulphate crystals contain water of  To observe the forma on of scum in hard water and so   To show that graphite is a good conductor of electricity To observe that charcoal is a decoloursing agent, i.e., it   To show t
                      Ac     To show the forma on of hydrogen chloride gas  of a solute increase the rate of forma on of a solu   To show that wood charcoal is a good adsorbent To show that charcoal is a good reducing agent   er  To observe the use of carbon dioxide in cooking

                         7.1   7.2   7.3   7.4     8.1      8.2   8.3   point of water  8.4   8.5   To show that s   8.6   8.7   crystallisa   8.8   8.9   water  9.1   9.2   9.3   9.4   9.5   9.6   9.7   9.8   9.9
                                       on of                            vity

                                                                                          Crystalline Forms of Carbon,

                      Details of Contents  PREPARATION OF HYDROGEN   Ac vity Series of Metals,     Prepara on of Hydrogen by Ac on of Water on Metals,     Prepara on of Hydrogen by Ac on of Dilute Acids on Metals,     Prepara on of Hydrogen by Ac on of Alkalis on Metals,     Prepara on of Hydrogen by Electrolysis of Water, Laboratory  Prepara on of Hydrogen, Bosch’s Process: Industrial Produc  PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN   Physical Proper es of Hydrogen,  Chemical Proper es of Hydrogen, Tests for Hydrogen  Uses of Water, Sources of Water, Water Cycle,

                         OCCURRENCE OF HYDROGEN DISCOVERY OF HYDROGEN                   OXIDATION AND REDUCTION  USES OF HYDROGEN  • WATER   A REVISION   ca on of Water    PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER   Effects of Anomalous Expansion of Water DISSOLUTION OF SALTS IN WATER Water — A Universal Solvent, Solubility  True Solu on, Suspension, Colloid    WATER OF CRYSTALLISATION  (So ening of Water)  OCCURRENCE OF CARBON  CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON ALLOTROPES OF CARBON  Amorphous Forms of Carbon  Dioxide, Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming     Added to

                         •   •   •      Hydrogen  •   •   •      Purifi  •      •      •   •   •   with Metals  •      •   •   •   •
                      Chapter Name  Hydrogen  7.    Water  8.                     Carbon   9.   and Its   Compounds
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18