Page 18 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 18


                 The molecules in solids majorly vibrate at their own posi  ons. Following are the
                 proper  es of solids.

                     •  Solids consist of closely packed molecules that vibrate at their own
                        posi  ons. They have fi xed shape and volume.
                     •  The volume of solid depends upon the size of the par  cles.
                     •  They possess strong intermolecular force of a  rac  on. Also, due to
                        negligible movement of par  cles in solids, they lack kine  c energy.            Fig. 1.4: Solids

                     •  The average kine  c energy of the par  cles is directly propor  onal to the
                        temperature of the solid.
                     •  The intermolecular space between the molecules of solids is negligible.

                 The molecules in liquids move from one posi  on to the other within the liquid. The following proper  es
                 explain the nature of liquids.
                     •  Liquids consist of loosely packed molecules which are in random mo  on
                        and maintain the volume.
                     •  The volume of liquid depends on the size of the par  cles. This in turn
                        aff ects the proper  es of a liquid.

                     •  The decrease in the mo  on of the molecules of liquids allows the
                        interpar  cle force of a  rac  on to act which signifi cantly  aff ect  the
                                                                                                          Fig. 1.5: Liquids
                        proper  es of a liquid.
                     • Liquids have fi xed volume and take the shape of the container.

                     •  The average kine  c energy of the par  cles is directly propor  onal to the temperature of the liquid.
                     •  The intermolecular space in liquids is more than that in solids and the molecules are less closely

                 The molecules of gases are in constant mo  on. These molecules consist of
                 intermolecular force of a  rac  on between them, however, the kine  c energy
                 present in gases is much more than the intermolecular force present between
                 the molecules. This causes the gas to spread easily and faster when kept in open
                 as compared to solids and liquids. This is further explained by the following
                 proper  es.
                     •  A gas consists of a large number of molecules moving in random direc  ons.       Fig. 1.6: Gases
                        The intermolecular distance between the par  cles is larger as compared
                        to solids and liquids.
                                                                                            Thinking Fountain
                     •  Since the par  cles are small, the volume occupied by them is       Name the factors on which
                        also small as compared to the total volume.                         the change of state of ma  er
                     • These par  cles neither a  ract nor repel each other.

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