Page 17 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 17


                 The molecules in liquids are less closely packed to each other as
                 compared to solids and more closely packed in comparison to gases.
                 The intermolecular space in liquids is more than solids. Therefore, the
                 intermolecular force of a  rac  on between the molecules is less than
                 that in solids but more as compared to gases. The molecules in liquids
                 are compara  vely free to move; they move from one posi  on to the
                 other within the liquid. That is the reason that liquids have the ability to
                 fl ow. The kine  c energy is s  ll not suffi  cient to overcome the a  rac  ve
                 forces. However, the addi  on of a small amount of energy can make the       Fig. 1.2: Liquids consisting of less
                 par  cles move away from each other. Due to this reason, liquids tend to         tightly packed molecules
                 evaporate when le   exposed to air.


                 The molecules in gases are far from each other and the intermolecular
                 space is the largest in comparison to liquids and solids. Therefore the
                 intermolecular force of a  rac  on is negligible in gases. The par  cles in
                 gases are not arranged in a fi xed order and keep moving randomly in
                 the available space. The kine  c energy of the par  cles is suffi  cient to
                 overcome the interpar  cle force of a  rac  on thus enabling the par  cles     Fig. 1.3: Gases consisting of
                 to move away from each other.                                                     loosely held molecules

                      Take a Break!

                     Fill in the blanks.
                      1.  ___________ have fi xed shape and volume.

                      2.  The atoms/molecules are in constant mo  on and hence possess _____________.
                      3.  The state of ma  er is decided on the basis of _____________________ and __________________
                          between the par  cles of ma  er.
                      4.  ___________________ explains the behaviour of ma  er in diff erent states.

                      5.  The interpar  cle force of a  rac  on is ____________ in gases.

                 STATES OF MATTER

                 The change of state of ma  er depends on the intermolecular space between their molecules and
                 intermolecular force present between the par  cles of solids, liquids
                 and gases. It also depends on the collision between the molecules of
                                                                                            Thinking Fountain
                 the three states of ma  er.
                                                                                            Why do solids have defi nite
                 Let’s study the proper  es of states of ma  er.                            size and shape but liquids and
                                                                                            gases don’t?

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