Page 16 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 16


                 The kine  c molecular theory of ma  er helps us to explain why ma  er exists in diff erent states (i.e., solid,
                 liquid, gas) and how it can change from one state to another. The kine  c molecular theory of ma  er is
                 based on assump  ons such as ma  er consists of very   ny par  cles that are constantly in mo  on and
                 possess kine  c energy.

                 There exist intermolecular forces of a  rac  on between the molecules and the distance between them is
                 called intermolecular space (distance).

                 Postulates of  Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter

                 Following are the postulates of the kine  c molecular theory of ma  er.
                     • Ma  er consists of a large number of   ny par  cles which could be atoms or molecules.

                     •  The atoms/molecules are in constant mo  on and hence possess kine  c energy.
                     •  The atoms/molecules are in random mo  on resul  ng in collision with other atoms/molecules of
                        same ma  er and also of any other ma  er they come in contact with. As a result of these collisions,
                        the exchange of energy occurs between the colliding atom/molecules.
                     •  A change in phase may occurs when the energy of the par  cle is changed.

                     •  There are empty shapes between atom/molecules of ma  er. These empty spaces are called
                        intermolecular spaces.
                     •  There are a  rac  ve forces between the molecules of a substance. The force of a  rac  on between
                        the molecules is called intermolecular force of a  rac  on. The intermolecular force of a  rac  on
                        depends on the following.

                           Intermolecular space: The intermolecular force of a  rac  on decreases if there is more
                             intermolecular space between the molecules and vice versa.
                           Nature of molecules: The force that binds the molecules of a substance in known as the force
                             of cohesion. Molecules of a similar type exert the force of cohesion. Molecules of diff erent
                             type exert the force of adhesion.


                 The state of ma  er is decided on the basis of intermolecular force of a  rac  on and intermolecular spaces
                 between the par  cles of ma  er.

                 Kine  c molecular theory explains the behaviour of ma  er in diff erent states.


                 The molecules are closely packed to each other in solid and the intermolecular
                 space is negligible. Due to this, the intermolecular force of a  rac  on between
                 the par  cles is the strongest. The molecules are arranged in a well-defi ned
                 order and remain fi xed in their posi  ons. The interpar  cle force of a  rac  on
                 between the molecules is so strong that the kine  c energy is not enough to
                 break the force. Hence, the molecules in solids hardly move about, they only      Fig. 1.1: Solids consisting of
                 vibrate about their posi  on.                                                      tightly packed molecules

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