Page 11 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 11

Some More Assessment Tools Observe and Perform: Observing the image and    ons Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques ons based on life skills       onal skills)   ng learning  Integrate Your Learning: Integra    on   es: Crea ng a presenta       vi   Review Your Learning: Worksheet Observe and Perform: Observing the image and    ons Apply Your Learning: Ques ons based on     Life Skills: Ques ons based on life skills       onal skills)   ng learning  Integrate Your Learning

                               AT LENGTH   a ng between concepts   ons  •   answering the ques   •   thinking skills  •   (observa   •   with Physics  Projects and Ac   •   and making a chart  •   •   answering the ques   •   thinking skills  •   (observa   •   Projects and Ac   •   and making a chart  •   •   answering the ques   •   thinking skills  •   (observa   •   with Biology  Projects and Ac   •   and making a chart  •
                                  Explaining the terms      eren   Long answer ques  • Iden fying the error(s)
                         Each chapter of the book consists of the following exercises in various forms

                   DETAILED CONTENTS
                                  •   • Diff  •                               ve

                                                    vi es     Ac  To show that the total mass remains same during a  To show that the total mass remains same during a  To show that total mass of reactants is equal to the total  mass of products in a chemical reac on between barium      2.1 To write five examples of reversible changes and fi To understand that cu ng of paper is a physical change     To understand that mel ng of ice is a physical change    To understand that dissolu on of sugar in water is a     To show that sublima on of camphor is
                               SHORT AND PRECISE   ons  To observe change when ice melts  physical change  chemical change  chloride and sodium sulphate    examples of irreversible changes 2.2 To iden fy the changes     physical change  carbonate and sodium chloride

                                  • Flowcharts  • Giving reasons  Short answer ques   •   1.1   1.2   1.3   1.4   2.3   2.4   2.5   2.6   2.7   change  3.1   3.2   3.3   3.4    ng

                                       ons (MCQs)                                                          on of    ca    on of    ng Solid-Liquid

                               BE PROMPT  • Iden fying the error(s) in the given   Details of Contents   er STATES OF MATTERS BASED ON KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY  CHANGE OF STATE OF MATTER   Terms Related to Change of   CHANGES INVOLVING ENERGY CHANGES   Changes in which  ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS AND MIXTURES   A QUICK RECALL
                                  Filling in the blanks  True or False • Mul ple choice ques         statements  Matching the columns  KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY OF MATTER   Postulates of   STATES OF MATTER   Solids, Liquids, Gases  REVERSIBLE AND IRREVERSIBLE CHANGES PERIODIC AND NON PERIODIC CHANGES DESIRABLE AND UNDESIRABLE CHANGES PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES   Physical Changes,  Energy is Absorbed, Changes in which Energy is Released • PURE SUBSTANCES   Characteris cs of Pure Substances,  • MIXTURES   Characteris cs of Mixtures, Classifi    SE

                                  •   •     •            Kine c Molecular Theory of Ma     Solids, Liquids, Gases   er LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS  • CHANGES   A REVIEW CLASSIFICATION OF CHANGES  SLOW AND FAST CHANGES NATURAL AND MAN MADE CHANGES  Chemical Changes  Elements, Compounds  Mixtures, Forma on of Mixtures           Salt, Sand and Grain

                                                      • MATTER  •      •   •   •   State of Ma   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

                                                   Chapter Name   er  MaƩ  1.   Physical and   2.   Chemical   Changes  Elements,   3.   Compounds   and   Mixtures
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