Page 7 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 7

Life Skills
                    Ques  ons based on life                                                        Integrate Your Learning
                    skills and values to build
                    interpersonal skills such                                                      Ques  ons given to help
                    as crea  ve thinking,                                                          students form links with
                    problem-solving, team-                                                         other subject
                    building and team work
                    in students

                                              Projects and
                                              AcƟ viƟ es                    At a Glance
                                              A wide variety of projects    Quick revision of
                                              and ac  vi  es given to       the concepts given
                                              strengthen the knowledge      at the end of the
                                              of the concepts learnt by     book

                    Ask and Learn
                    Framing ques  ons                                                               Review Your Learning
                    on diff erent topic                                                              A tool for self
                    to gauge the                                                                    assessment
                    understanding of

                    AƩ empt and Score                                                                Logical Thinking
                    Ques  on bank given                                                              Cri  cal thinking
                    at the end of the                                                                ques  ons given at
                    book to assess the                                                               the end of the book
                    overall learning of                                                              to enhance logic and
                    concepts                                                                         observa  onal skills

                                                         Teacher’s Resources

                       Teacher’s Resource Pack                   Teacher’s CD                       Online Support
                      • Detailed Lesson Plans             • E-book                             • Answer Key
                      • Answer Key                        • Test Generator                     • Printable Worksheets
                                                          • Lesson Plan Template
                                                          • Glossary
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