Page 5 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 5


                       Chemistry is an incredibly fascina  ng fi eld of study. It is truly the ‘central science’ as it is very
                       fundamental to our world. It is the science of the molecular scale, and it is at the molecular
                       level where major advances are being made in many diverse areas such as medicine, drugs,
                       nanotechnology and the environment. The study of Chemistry is recommended as its sound
                       knowledge is required to fully understand most other areas of science.
                       ICSE Chemistry edi  on has been developed with this perspec  ve in mind. It is a set of three books
                       for the students of classes 6–8 wri  en strictly in accordance with the syllabus prescribed by the
                       Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Educa  on.

                       The Approach of ICSE Chemistry ediƟ on
                         • Focus on concepts: Throughout the text we have a  empted to emphasise strongly the ideas
                            of Chemistry. The material in almost all lessons has been arrayed into conceptual blocks and
                            presented in easy-to-grasp pieces, as this is the natural way to teach Chemistry.

                         • Comprehensive and authorita  ve style: Students are more likely to succeed with a text that
                            they enjoy reading and that gives them a sense of the wonderment that inspired their own
                            instructors to enjoy Chemistry. For this reason, we have endeavoured to strike a balance; an
                            engaging and interes  ng wri  ng style with the level of authority expected of a Chemistry
                         • Modular presenta  on of text: The key element of the series is our a  empt to direct student’s
                            focus towards concepts by organising the internal structure of each chapter into a series of
                            discrete learning modules, and ending with a summary. The concept outline that appears
                            at the beginning of each chapter thus represents the conceptual skeleton of the chapter,
                            allowing students to readily grasp how the concepts relate to one another and to the overall
                            theme of the chapter. This modular presenta  on makes the conceptual organisa  on of the
                            chapter clear, greatly enhancing student learning.
                         • Inclusion of visual learning: Every fi gure in the text is consistent in style as well as content.
                            This enrolls visual learning as a powerful ally in the teaching process. The fi gures are carefully
                            integrated with the explanatory text.

                         • Reinforcement of ideas: The most eff ec  ve way to learn Chemistry is to reinforce what has
                            already been taught. Keeping this in mind, the end-of-chapter Exercises sec  on has been
                            greatly expanded, off ering students various assessment tools. The assessment doesn’t
                            end there, however. These tools are carried over to our website where
                            students can get addi  onal ques  ons, answer keys and worksheets.
                         • Careful edi  ng: The books have gone through a scrupulous edi  ng process by experienced
                            editors and authors to eliminate inaccurate informa  on or misstatements.
                       We sincerely hope that the eff orts put in by us to develop the series will benefi t the users. We
                       welcome sugges  ons and cri  cal reviews by teachers which will help us to improve our future
                       edi  ons.
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