Page 8 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 8

Suggested Learning Resources  Film on the collision of par   cles   •  and the exchange of energy Chemicals and glass wares,   •  barium chloride, sodium sulphate,  weighing balance, test tubes,  dis   lled water, fi  lter paper, funnel   and beaker  List of physical and chemical   •   changes:  Forma   on of curd form milk     Curdling of milk         Ro ng of eggs          Rus   ng of iron      Mel   ng of ice      Forma   on of vapours     Sublima   on of camphor     • Collec   on of samples of some  eleme

                                    er.  rac   on and collision (Interpar   cle space and             erent mixtures.
                                Suggested Transac onal Processes    Describing and discussing the main postulates of kine   c theory of ma   rac   on varies from one ma er to another. Hence the condi   ons of change of     • Sta   ng the law of conserva   on of mass. Ac   vity to show that there is no change in total mass  when a physical and chemical change takes place. (If the reac   on involves combus   on in  Total mass of reactants including the mass of atmospheric gases if any, will be equal to the  Taking the example of reac   on of barium

                       SYLLABUS    •  • Discussing interpar   cle space and interpar   cle a   interpar   cle a  state of a ma er are different from the other.)       presence of air, the mass of O 2 /N 2  is also to be considered.)    mass of the products formed.        discussion. Bridging any gaps in their understanding. Building on children’s previous learning.  •   •   • Revisi   ng earlier concepts. Building on children’s previous learning.  •   •   •   different techniques. E.g.-      CaCO 3  and NaCl     kerosene and water        •

                                Learning Outcomes  Students will be able to  describe the main   •  postulates of the kine   c    er; theory of ma   explain the reason of   •  change of one state of   the ma er to another      and vice-versa on the   basis of interpar   cle  space and interpar   cle    rac   on and collision;  a  • defi  ne and explain the   law of conserva   on of  mass using an example.  Students will be able to   erent  • illustrate diff  changes occurring in   nature with examples   learned in previous   classes;  perform some

                                   Main postulates of kine   c molecular theory of    er    rac   on and collision.   er taught  Physical and Chemical changes – Classifi  ca   on

                                Key Concepts  • Explana   on of change of state of the ma  on the basis of interpar   cle space and  Law of conserva   on of mass (statement and  explana   on with examples)  Revise and review the topic on ma   Geography, Biology, Languages  Revision of ma er taught in earlier classes.    Elements, compounds and mixture – a brief  • Separa   on of the components of a mixture Emphasis on the principle of separa   on

                                   •    er.  ma   interpar   cle a   •   Integra   on  Physics  •   in earlier classes.  •   with examples  Integra   on  •   •   explana   on  •

                                Theme   er 1. Ma               2. Physical and   Chemical   Changes  3. Elements,   Compounds   and   Mixtures
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