Page 6 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 6

Inside the Book

                   Key Concepts                                                                  Thirst for Knowledge
                   Conceptual skeleton                                                           Extra informa  on relevant
                   of each chapter                                                               to the concept

                                               Important Terms
                                                                         Know Your ScienƟ st
                                               Meanings of diffi  cult
                                               words to help students    Notable contribu  on
                                               understand the text       of scien  sts in the
                                               be  er                    fi eld of Chemistry

                   Take a Break!
                                                                                                  Terms to Know
                   Objec  ve assessment
                   exercise interspersed                                                          Defi ni  ons of important
                   in the text to recall                                                          words given at the end
                   and review the                                                                 of the chapter
                   concepts learnt

                                                                        Various objec  ve and
                                               Quick Review             subjec  ve ques  ons
                                               Consolidated concepts    included under the
                                               of the chapter           sec  ons Be Prompt,
                                                                        Short and Precise, and
                                                                        At Length to assess the
                                                                        learning of students

                                                                                                     Apply Your
                    Observe and
                    Picture-based ques  ons
                    to enhance the                                                                   ques  ons to assess the
                    observa  onal skills in                                                          applica  on of knowledge
                    students                                                                         and enhance thinking
                                                                                                     skills in students
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