Page 169 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 169

Water is extensively used at home to meet our daily requirements like bathing, cleaning, washing, etc. It
                 is also required for various agricultural and industrial prac  ces. It also helps in genera  ng electricity by
                 rota  ng turbines and the electricity so produced is termed as hydroelectricity.

                                                         Thirst for Knowledge

                    •  Fruits and vegetables have high water content which helps to meet our daily requirement of water.

                    •  Water has a very high specifi c heat. It means that it can absorb or lose a lot of heat before its temperature
                      changes. This property is important in maintaining body heat in mammals.

                 Uses of Water

                     •  A large amount of water is needed by plants during photosynthesis.
                     •  Water also helps in transporta  on of minerals in various parts of the plants.
                     •  It is used as a coolant in power genera  on from fossil fuels and also in car radiators.
                     •  Water is used for transporta  on and sanita  on purposes.

                     •  Water is needed for many recrea  on and sport ac  vi  es such as swimming, river ra  ing, boa  ng,

                          generating electricity                  irrigation                         transportation
                                                            Fig. 8.2: Uses of water

                 Sources of Water

                 The major sources of water are rainwater, surface water and groundwater.


                 Rainwater is the purest form of water. As we know, water vapour present in the atmosphere condense to
                 form clouds and fall as rain. Rainwater is important as it maintains the level of water in the water table.
                 Due to air pollu  on, rainwater gets polluted while falling.
                 Surface Water

                 Surface water consists of water present in oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, etc.
                     •  Water present in oceans and seas contains a large amount of dissolved salts. It is saline or salty
                         water. This water is unfi t for consump  on and other uses like washing, irriga  on and industrial

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