Page 164 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 164

5.  Which of the following metals reacts violently with hydrogen?
                           (a)  Calcium                                 (b) Magnesium
                           (c)  Iron                                    (d)  Sodium

                       6.  Calcium liberates hydrogen when treated with _____________.
                           (a)  cold water        (b)  hot water        (c)  steam            (d)  all of these

                       7. The conduc  vity of water can be increased by adding
                           (a)  a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid.   (b)  a few pellets of zinc.
                           (c)  both (a) and (b).                       (d)  none of these.
                       8.  The catalyst(s) used in the hydrogena  on of oils is/are __________.

                           (a) nickel             (b) pla  num          (c)  palladium        (d)  all of these
                       9.  Which of the following is a hydrogen-based fuel?

                           (a)  CNG               (b) Petroleum         (c) Coal              (d) Coal gas
                      10. Reduc  on reac  on involve(s) ______________.
                           (a) addi  on of oxygen                       (b)  addi  on of hydrogen
                           (c)  removal of oxygen                       (d)  both (b) and (c)

                 SHORT AND PRECISE

                 A.  Show the given text in the form of fl owcharts.
                       1. Bosch process
                       2.  Physical and chemical proper  es of hydrogen

                 B.  Answer in short.
                       1.  Metals like copper and silver cannot displace hydrogen from acids or water.

                       2.  Dilute nitric acid is not used to prepare hydrogen.

                       3. The fi rst few bubbles of hydrogen gas are not collected during the laboratory prepara  on  of

                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What is a displacement reac  on?

                       2.  What happens when dilute sulphuric acid and dilute hydrochloric acid are treated with metals
                           placed above hydrogen in the ac  vity series of metals?
                       3.  How can hydrogen be prepared by the ac  on of alkalis on metals?

                       4.  How is water gas produced in Bosch’s process?
                       5.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that hydrogen gas is combus  ble.

                       6.  What happens when hydrogen reacts with carbon?
                       7.  How will you test the presence of hydrogen?

                       8.  What is cataly  c hydrogena  on of oils?

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