Page 168 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 168

8              Water

                   Learning Outcomes                                                                 Key Concepts
                     Students will be able to
                                                                                               •  Water—A Revision
                   •  describe that water dissolves many substances and it is a universal
                      solvent.                                                                 •  Physical Properties of
                   •  iden  fy a solu  on, suspension and colloid on the basis of proper  es.
                                                                                               •  Dissolution of Salts in
                   •  state the diff erences between saturated, unsaturated and supersaturated
                      solu  ons.                                                                  Water
                                                                                               •  True Solution,
                   •  describe water of crystallisa  on.
                                                                                                  Suspension and Colloid
                   •  write equa  ons of metals with cold water and steam.
                                                                                               •  Water of Crystallisation
                   •  describe hard and so   water.
                                                                                               •  Chemical Properties of
                   •  discuss the diff erent methods of so  ening of water.                        Water
                                                                                               •  Hard Water and
                                                                                                  Soft Water

                                                            Warm Up Activity

                   Write the chemical formula of water.  _______________
                   Write any three things for which you use water.
                   _______________   _______________   _______________

                   Write three ways in which you can save water.


                 WATER—A REVISION

                 Water covers about 71% of the earth’s surface. Water is essen  al
                 for survival and existence of all living organisms. Most life processes
                 in living beings are carried out in the presence of water. About 70%
                 of human body is composed of water. It helps to regulate the body
                 temperature by elimina  ng wastes from our body. Water helps in the
                 absorp  on of digested food and transports nutrients to various parts
                 of the body.                                                                       Fig. 8.1: Water

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