Page 166 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 166


                   A.  Why is liquid hydrogen used as a fuel in rockets and guided missiles?
                   B.  Why do we see hydrogen as an alternate source of energy for the future?

                   LIFE SKILLS

                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Prepara  on of Hydrogen’ in a group of two or three
                   students. Insert related informa  on, images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as
                   per your choice. Present it in the class.


                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Mathema  cs

                   Calculate the percentage of mass of hydrogen in the following compounds.
                                           H O
                                           H SO
                   Integrate with Physics
                   Prepare a report on ‘Hydrogen Fuel Cell’ and state how it can be considered as a pollu  on-free energy

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Crea  ng a Presenta  on
                    Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Uses of Hydrogen’. Insert related informa  on, images
                    and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your choice.

                    Making a Chart

                    Make a chart on the topic ‘Oxida  on and Reduc  on Reac  ons’.

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