Page 161 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 161
• Hydrogen is used to produce hydrogen chloride gas.
• Hydrogen is seen as an alternate source of energy for the future. It can even replace hydrocarbons
as it forms water rather than harmful gases on burning. It is a pollu on-free fuel (clean fuel).
Coal Gas
A gaseous mixture mainly consis ng of hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide formed by the destruc ve
dis lla on of coal.
Water Gas
A gaseous mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen formed by passing steam over red-hot coke.
A branch of science that deals with the proper es of metals and the process of separa ng them from other
ma er in the ore.
Take a Break!
Write/Choose the correct answer.
1. Hydrogen is almost insoluble in water. (True/False)
2. Hydrogen burns in air with a ________________ fl ame.
3. Hydrogen is non-combus ble in air but it supports combus on. (True/False)
4. The reac on of hydrogen with oxygen is highly ______________.
5. What happens when hydrogen is passed through molten sulphur?
6. Hydrogen is used as a ________________ agent in metallurgy to extract pure metals from their
Terms to Know
Displacement reac ons: Reac ons in which hydrogen gets displaced from its compounds like water, acids
and alkalis by more reac ve metals
Ac vity series of metals: A list of metals arranged in order of their decreasing reac vity
Electrolysis: A process in which acidulated water dissociates into hydrogen and oxygen on
passage of electric current
Cataly c hydrogena on
of oils: A process in which liquid vegetable oils are treated with hydrogen under pressure in
the presence of fi nely divided nickel, palladium or pla num to make solid vanaspa
Oxida on: A process of adding oxygen to an element or compound
Reduc on: A process of removing oxygen by adding hydrogen to an element or compound
Water gas: A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen
Hydrocarbons: Compounds formed when hydrogen combines with carbon
Redox reac on: A reac on in which both oxida on and reduc on occur simultaneously