Page 158 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 158

Activity 7.3

                 Aim: To show the forma  on of hydrogen chloride gas
                                                                                                              chlorine gas
                 Materials required:  A jar  fi lled with hydrogen gas, a jar  fi lled  with
                 chlorines gas

                   •  Take two jars. Fill a jar with hydrogen gas and the other with
                       chlorine gas.
                   •  Invert the jar fi lled with chlorine over the jar fi lled with hydrogen

                   •  Remove the lids of both jars to mix the two gases.
                                                                                                              hydrogen gas
                   •  Expose the two jars to sunlight.
                 Observa  on: The greenish yellow colour of chlorine gas disappears
                 and a colourless gas is formed.

                   •  Now bring a glass rod dipped in ammonia solu  on near the
                       mouth of the gas jar.
                 Observa  on: Dense white fumes of ammonium chloride are produced.
                 Conclusion: This shows the forma  on of hydrogen chloride gas when hydrogen gas reacts with chlorine in
                 the presence of diff used sunlight.

                     • Reac  on with nitrogen: Hydrogen does not combine with nitrogen under ordinary condi  ons. In
                        the presence of fi nely divided iron dust which acts as a catalyst and at 450°C temperature and
                        200 atmospheric pressure, hydrogen reacts with nitrogen in the ra  o 3:1 by volume to produce
                        ammonia gas. Molybdenum acts as a promotor of the reac  on. This reac  on is reversible and
                        exothermic, and is known as the Haber’s process.
                                 N (g)    +    3H (g)                     2NH (g)  +      Heat
                               Nitrogen       Hydrogen      400°C, 200 atm  Ammonia
                     • Reac  on with sulphur: When hydrogen gas is passed through molten sulphur, hydrogen sulphide
                        gas is formed which gives a ro  en egg smell.

                                 H (g)     +      S(s)                     H S(g) 
                               Hydrogen       Molten sulphur           Hydrogen sulphide
                     • Reac  on with carbon dioxide: When hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide at a temperature of
                        300–400°C under high pressure in the presence of nickel ac  ng as a catalyst, methane and water
                        are produced.
                                CO (g)     +     4H (g)                 CH (g)    + H O(l) +       Energy
                            Carbon dioxide      Hydrogen               Methane       Water
                        This reac  on is known as Saba  er reac  on. The requirement of water for astronauts inside the
                        Interna  onal Space Sta  on is fulfi lled using this reac  on.

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