Page 165 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 165


                 A.  Read the following ac  vity performed to demonstrate the forma  on of hydrogen chloride gas.
                      Iden  fy the incorrect parts.
                      To show the forma  on of hydrogen chloride gas

                        •  Take two jars. Fill both the jars with hydrogen gas.
                        •  Invert the jar fi lled with hydrogen over the jar fi lled with chlorine gas.

                        •  Remove the lids of both jars to mix the two gases.
                        •  Expose the two jars to sunlight.

                      Observa  on:
                      The bluish yellow colour of hydrogen gas disappears and a red-coloured gas is formed.

                        •  Now bring a glass rod dipped sodium chloride solu  on near the mouth of the gas jar.
                      Observa  on:

                      Dense green fumes of sodium chloride are produced.
                      This shows the forma  on of sodium chloride gas when hydrogen gas reacts with chlorine in the presence
                      of diff used sunlight

                 B.  Answer in detail.

                       1.  Discuss the occurrence of hydrogen in nature.
                       2.  With the help of examples, discuss the prepara  on of hydrogen by the ac  on of water on metals.

                       3.  Give balanced equa  ons to show that hydrogen can be prepared by the ac  on of dilute acids on

                       4.  How is hydrogen prepared by electrolysis of water?
                       5.  Describe the laboratory prepara  on of hydrogen with the help of a diagram.

                       6.  List safety precau  ons to be taken during laboratory prepara  on of hydrogen.
                       7.  Write a note on oxida  on and reduc  on reac  ons. Also, explain redox reac  ons with the help of
                       8.  List a few uses of hydrogen.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   Observe the given ac  vity series on page 138 carefully and answer the following ques  ons.
                       1.  Name the most reac  ve metal and the least reac  ve metal.
                       2.  Name the metals that react with cold water, steam and acids to produce hydrogen gas and
                       3.  Name the metals that cannot react with cold water and react only with steam and acids to produce
                           hydrogen gas and metal oxides.

                       4.  Name the metals that react only with dilute acids to produce hydrogen gas.
                       5.  Name the metals that do not react with water, steam or dilute acids.

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