Page 170 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 170

•  Water present in rivers, lakes, streams and ponds is freshwater. It comes from mel  ng of snow on
                         mountains and from rain. Along its course, it becomes impure as it travels through hills and plains.
                         This water has to be purifi ed in order to make it free from various impuri  es.


                 Rainwater falling on the earth’s surface seeps down and gets accumulated under the ground. The water
                 so collected under the ground is called groundwater. The level of water under the ground is called water
                 table. Water table varies according to the place and season.

                 Natural springs contain groundwater. Groundwater can also be obtained from wells, tube wells and
                 handpumps. It does not contain any impuri  es as it gets fi ltered while passing through diff erent layers of
                 rocks and sand.

                                     ocean                             lake                           well

                                     spring                          tube well                     handpump

                                                        Fig. 8.3:  Some sources of water

                           Activity 8.1

                 Aim: To show that rainwater does not contain any dissolved
                 impuri  es, but well water has impuri  es
                 Materials required:  Two porcelain dishes, two beakers
                 containing water, a sample of rain water, a sample of well water,
                 two burners

                   •  Take samples of rainwater and well water in two porcelain dishes.
                   •  Keep the porcelain dishes over two beakers containing water.
                   •  Heat the beakers   ll the water in the porcelain dishes evaporates.

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