Page 172 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 172

Potable Water

                 We already know that the water which is fi t for consump  on is known as potable water. Potable water is
                 clear, transparent, colourless, odourless and free from all impuri  es. It contains minerals that are essen  al
                 for our body.

                 Water obtained from natural sources contains impuri  es such as dirt, germs, dissolved and suspended
                 impuri  es like clay, sand, dead and decaying organic ma  er, sewage, and other pollutants. These impuri  es
                 are known as water pollutants.

                 Human wastes, animal dung and industrial wastes are the major factors responsible for contamina  on of
                 water. In order to make water fi t for consump  on, it should be treated to remove all the impuri  es. Once
                 the water is treated in water treatment plants, it becomes fi t for consump  on.

                 Purification of Water

                 The process of removal of undesirable chemicals, impuri  es and biological contaminants from water is
                 called purifi ca  on of water.

                 The main processes involved in purifi ca  on of water obtained from lakes or rivers are sedimenta  on,
                 fi ltra  on and chlorina  on.

                     •  Sedimenta  on: Water collected from sources like rivers or lakes consists of dirt. It is fi rst taken
                         to sedimenta  on tanks and allowed to stand for a few hours. Here, heavy impuri  es se  le at
                         the bo  om as sediments. Use of potash alum (potassium aluminium sulphate) and slaked lime
                         (calcium hydroxide) speeds up the process of sedimenta  on.

                         Following sedimenta  on, water is run-off  at the top of the sedimenta  on tank without disturbing

                         the sediments at the bo  om. Now the water is transferred to fi lter beds.
                     •  Filtra  on: Water containing suspended impuri  es  is
                         passed through a fi lter. The impuri  es are retained on
                         the fi lter, while clear water is collected as fi ltrate in

                         another container.
                         When water has to be treated on a large scale, it is

                         fi ltered through layers of sand, gravel, ac  vated
                         charcoal, etc. This process removes suspended
                         impuri  es.

                     •  Chlorina  on: The fi ltered water may s  ll contain some            Fig. 8.5: Purifi cation of water
                         harmful bacteria which can cause diseases. So, fi ltered
                                                                                                  Sterilisa  on
                         water is sterilised to remove such harmful bacteria.
                                                                                          The process of removal of
                         Sterilisa  on is done by adding chlorine. The addi  on
                                                                                          germs is called sterilisa  on.
                         of chlorine kills bacteria and other harmful germs
                         present in water.

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