Page 176 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 176

from the sea to the coast. Since cool air is moving from the sea to the coast, it is called sea breeze.
                         During the night, land loses heat faster than water and becomes cooler faster. Now, the air over
                         the sea rises up and the cooler air over the land rushes to take its place. Therefore, during the
                         night wind blows from the land to the sea and is called land breeze.
                                 day                                           night

                                  warm air                                                         warm air
                                                                            cool land
                                                  cool sea breeze            breeze

                                                        sea cooler                                   sea warmer
                                   land warmer                                    land cooler

                                                      Fig. 8.7: Sea breeze and land breeze

                 Effects of Anomalous Expansion of Water

                 The survival of aqua  c animals in cold regions is a  ributed to anomalous expansion of water. The surface
                 water cools faster and gets converted into ice. This layer of ice fl oats on the surface since it is lighter in
                 density and acts as an insulator thereby preven  ng heat loss from lower layers. Therefore, water in the
                 lower layers remains liquid and provides shelter to the aqua  c animals. The bo  om most layer of a water
                 body consists of water at 4°C because it is the heaviest at this temperature. Thus, aqua  c life tends to
                 remain near the bo  om where the condi  ons are favourable for their survival.

                      Take a Break!

                     Write/Choose the correct answer.
                      1.  Water helps in excre  on of wastes from the body in the form of sweat and urine. (True/False)
                      2.  Where does the water present in rivers, lakes and ponds come from?
                      3.  Potable water is not fi t for drinking. (True/False)

                      4.  With increase in pressure, the boiling point of water decreases. (True/False)
                      5.  Which feature of water helps aqua  c animals to survive in winters?


                 Water dissolves most minerals and nutrients that our food contains. This helps in easy absorp  on of the
                 dissolved materials by the body. Water also dissolves waste materials. These waste materials are later
                 removed by the kidney. Therefore, we can say that water is a good solvent.
                 A salt consists of posi  ve and nega  ve parts. When it dissolves in water, the posi  ve part of the salt gets
                 a  racted to the nega  ve part of water and the nega  ve part of the salt gets a  racted to the posi  ve part
                 of water. As a result, the salt disappears. This process can be physical or chemical which depends on the
                 salt or compound taken with water.

                 Dissolu  on of sodium chloride in water represented in the form of an equa  on.
                                                   NaCl (s)  Na  (aq) + Cl  (aq)
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