Page 178 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 178

                   •  Line up the fi ve glasses and pour water in them, fi lling each glass   ll half.
                   •  Put one tablespoon each of the substances in separate glasses like sodium chloride in the fi rst glass,
                       sodium carbonate in the second glass and so on.

                   •  Now s  r each mixture with a spoon.
                 Observa  on: You will observe that all the substances completely dissolve on water and a clear, transparent
                 solu  on is obtained in each case.

                 Conclusion: It can be concluded that water has the ability to dissolve many substances.

                 Factors Affecting the Formation of a Solution

                 There are certain factors that aff ect the forma  on of a solu  on as discussed here.
                     • Size of the par  cles: The rate of the forma  on of the solu  on is faster if the size of the par  cles of
                        solute is smaller.

                     • S  rring: S  rring increases the rate of forma  on of a solu  on.
                     • Increase in temperature: The rate of forma  on of a solu  on increases on hea  ng the solu  on.

                           Activity 8.6

                 Aim: To show that s  rring, hea  ng and the small size of par  cles of a solute increase the rate of forma  on
                 of a solu  on
                 Materials required: Five beakers, some water at room temperature, some hot water, some powdered
                 sugar, fl ew lumps of sugar

                   •  Take fi ve beakers and label them as A, B, C, D and E.
                   •  In beaker A, take water at room temperature and
                       powdered sugar.
                   •  In beaker B, take water at room temperature and
                       lumps of sugar.

                   •  In beaker C, take hot water with lumps of sugar.
                   •  In beaker D, take hot water with powdered sugar.

                   •  In beaker E, take hot water at room temperature and powdered sugar.
                   •  S  r the powdered sugar added to the beakers A, B, C and D. However, do not s  r a  er adding the
                       powdered sugar in beaker E.
                 Observa  on: You will observe that the sugar in beaker A dissolves faster than in beaker B. The sugar in
                 beaker D dissolves faster than that in beakers C and E.

                 Conclusion: This shows that the rate of forma  on of a solu  on increases with s  rring, hea  ng and addi  on
                 of small-sized par  cles of a solute.

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