Page 180 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 180

The table given below shows the comparison between a true solu  on, suspension and colloid.

                                   Table 8.1: Comparison between True Solu  on, Suspension and Colloid

                     Property             True solution                 Suspension                      Colloid
                  Size of particles  The particles are molecular in   The particles are larger than  The size of particles ranges
                                   size, i.e., less than 10 Angstrom. 10,000 Angstrom.      between 10 and 1000 Angstrom.

                  Appearance       The solution is clear,        The solution is cloudy and   The solution is opaque but
                                   transparent and homogeneous.  heterogeneous.             homogeneous.

                  Tyndall effect,   There is no re lection of light.  The effect of light varies.  The dispersion of light by
                  i.e., effect of light                                                     colloidal particles takes place.

                  Effect of        There is no effect of         The particles of the solution  There is no effect of
                  sedimentation    sedimentation.                settle down.               sedimentation.


                 The water present in the crystals of certain compounds is called water of crystallisa  on. It is the defi nite
                 amount of water which forms the crystal and gives shape and colour to the crystal. Water is required
                 during the forma  on of crystals. Water of crystallisa  on can also be defi ned as the fi xed amount of water
                 which is found in the crystalline structure of a compound, generally a salt. The salt gets a  ached with
                 water molecules within the crystal which is represented by placing a dot next to the chemical formula
                 of the salt forming the crystal. The crystals consist of salt and water combined in a fi xed propor  on. The
                 crystallised water can be easily removed by hea  ng the compound.
                 For example, iron(II) sulphate forms green crystals. The crystals are formed by chemically combining one
                 molecule of FeSO  with 7 molecules of water thus forming FeSO 7H O. On hea  ng, it loses the water of
                 crystallisa  on, i.e., 7 molecules, and forms a powder of non-crystalline FeSO .
                 The number of water molecules are read as mono, di, tri, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona or deca hydrate.
                 The following table shows some salts containing water of crystallisa  on.

                                         Table 8.2: Some Salts Containing Water of Crystallisa  on

                                 Common name                   Chemical name                    Formula
                             Blue vitriol            Copper sulphate pentahydrate             CuSO 5H O
                             Green vitriol           Iron(II) sulphate heptahydrate           FeSO 7H O
                             White vitriol           Zinc sulphate heptahydrate               ZnSO 7H O
                             Epsom salt              Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate          MgSO 7H O
                             Washing soda            Sodium carbonate decahydrate            Na CO 10H O
                             Glauber’s salt          Sodium sulphate decahydrate             Na SO 10H O
                 Let’s perform Ac  vity 8.7 to show that copper sulphate crystals contain water of crystallisa  on.
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