Page 185 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 185

                   •  In the other bo  le, pour 1 cup of dis  lled water and add a few drops of liquid detergent in it. Label
                       it bo  le 2.

                   •  Screw the bo  le cap   ghtly and shake the bo  le well for 10 seconds.
                 Observa  on: In bo  le 2, you will observe the forma  on of lather on the surface of water.

                 Conclusion: This indicates that the water in bo  le 2 is so   water.

                 Causes of Hardness of Water

                 Hardness of water is caused by the presence of dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium such as calcium

                 chloride (CaCl ), calcium sulphate (CaSO ), calcium bicarbonate [Ca(HCO ) ], magnesium chloride (MgCl ),
                                                                                         3 2
                 magnesium sulphate (MgSO ) and magnesium bicarbonate [Mg(HCO ) ]. Hardness is of two types—
                                                                                         3 2
                 temporary and permanent.
                     •  Temporary hardness of water: Water which contains bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium is
                         called temporary hard water. Temporary hardness can be easily removed by simple means such as
                         boiling and fi ltra  on. On boiling, the soluble bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium change into
                         insoluble carbonates which can then be fi ltered to give so   water.
                     •   Permanent hardness of water: Water which contains chlorides and sulphates of calcium and
                         magnesium is called permanent hard water. Permanent hardness cannot be removed by simple
                         means such as boiling. This is because soluble chlorides and sulphates are stable to heat.

                 Disadvantages of Hard Water

                     •  Hard water is not suitable for drinking and cooking purposes.

                     •  Hard water is unfi t for washing as it results in wastage of soap. The scum formed is diffi  cult to
                         remove and leaves dirty stains on clothes.
                     •  The scum deposits as scales on metals and they soon lose their shine in hard water.

                     •  Hard water is also unfi t for use in factories and industries as it forms scales that damage machines
                         and also causes wastage of fuel.

                 Removal of Hardness of Water (Softening of Water)

                 There are methods which can be used to remove the hardness of water. These methods are discussed
                     •  Temporary hardness of water can be removed by boiling. On hea  ng, the soluble bicarbonates of
                         calcium and magnesium decompose to insoluble carbonates which are precipitated and removed
                         by fi ltra  on.
                                 Ca(HCO ) (aq)           CaCO (s)  +  H O(l) + CO (g) 
                                         3 2
                                     Calcium                 Calcium       Water      Carbon
                                   bicarbonate              carbonate                 dioxide

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