Page 188 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 188

5. Metals posi  oned above _____________ in the reac  vity series react vigorously with cold water
                           and o  en catch fi re.
                       6.  Temporary hardness of water can be removed by _____________.

                 B. Iden  fy the error in the given statements. Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in
                      the blank.

                       1.  Filtered water is sterilised to remove harmful bacteria by adding sulphur.     ______________
                       2.  Muddy water can be cleaned by adding a crystal of copper sulphate.             ______________

                       3. A solu  on that contains more dissolved substance than could normally be
                           dissolved at a specifi c temperature is called saturated solu  on.              ______________

                       4.  A true solu  on is a heterogeneous solu  on which consists of solid par  cles
                           having par  cle size of above 10,000 Angstrom.                                 ______________
                       5. Effl  orescence refers to the process of absorbing moisture from air which is
                           not suffi  cient to transform the state of a substance.                          ______________

                       6.  The chemical name of blue vitriol is zinc sulphate heptahydrate.               ______________

                 C.  Match the columns.
                          Column A                       Column B                               Column C

                       1.  Rainwater                 (a)  Maximum density at                 (i)  Fit for drinking

                       2.  Surface water             (b)  From clouds                       (ii)  Bad conductor of heat and
                       3.  Potable water             (c)  Bicarbonates of calcium and      (iii)  Not removed by boiling

                       4.  Pure water                (d)  Free from harmful substances      (iv)  Purest form of water
                       5.  Temporary hardness        (e)  Oceans and seas                   (v)  Removed by boiling

                       6.  Permanent hardness        (f)  Chlorides and sulphates of       (vi)  Unfi t for consump  on
                                                          calcium and magnesium

                 D.  Choose the correct op  on.
                       1.  Which of the following processes takes place without water in humans?

                           (a) Diges  on of food                        (b)  Breathing
                           (c) Excre  on of waste                       (d)  Maintenance of body temperature

                       2.  For which of the following process(es) do plants need water?
                           (a)  Photosynthesis                          (b) Transporta  on of minerals

                           (c)  Both (a) and (b)                        (d)  None of these

                       3.  Pure water is _________________.
                           (a)  acidic            (b)  neutral          (c)  basic            (d)  both acidic and basic

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