Page 191 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 191

Observa  on:
                      The addi  on of copper sulphate to dis  lled water converts it to so   water. As a result of this, you will
                      observe the forma  on of scum.
                      You will observe the forma  on of lather on the surface of water.

                      This indicates that the water is so   water.

                 C.  Answer in detail.
                       1.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that rainwater does not contain any dissolved impuri  es but well
                           water contains them.
                       2.  Explain the water cycle with the help of a diagram.

                       3.  Write a note on the purifi ca  on of water.
                       4.  Discuss the physical proper  es of water.

                       5.  Write a note on dissolu  on of salts in water.
                       6.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that copper sulphate crystals contain water of crystallisa  on.
                       7.  Write a note on reac  vity of metals with water.

                       8.  Discuss how hardness of water can be removed.

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   Observe the given images carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                           (i)                             (ii)                       (iii)

                          (iv)                             (v)                        (vi)

                       1. Iden  fy and name the given sources of water.
                       2.  Categorise these sources under surface water and groundwater.

                       3. Defi ne water table.
                       4.  How can groundwater be obtained?

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