Page 195 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 195

In the combined state, carbon occurs in the form of the following compounds.
                     •  Carbon dioxide which is the main gaseous compound of
                        carbon                                                             Thirst for Knowledge
                     •  Carbonates like chalk, limestone (CaCO ), marble,               The earth’s crust contains only
                        dolomite (CaCO .MgCO ) and calamine (ZnCO )                     very small amount of carbon
                                                                                        in the form of minerals like
                     •  Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas
                                                                                        carbonates, coal and petroleum.
                     •  Organic compounds like carbo hydrates, fats and proteins
                                                                                        The atmosphere has only 0.03%
                     •  Clothing material like co  on, wool and silk                    of carbon dioxide gas.
                 COMPOUNDS OF CARBON

                 The number of compounds of carbon known at present is more than 5 million. Many more new carbon
                 compounds are being isolated or prepared in the laboratories everyday.
                 In fact, the number of carbon compounds alone is much more than the number of compounds of all other
                 elements taken together.

                 For the convenience of study, all the compounds are classifi ed into two classes—carbon compounds of
                 biological origin and carbon compounds of non-biological origin.

                 The compounds of carbon of biological origin are known as  organic compounds. Such compounds
                 occur in all living things. Organic compounds also include
                 hydrocarbons and their deriva  ves.                                     Thirst for Knowledge

                 The compounds of carbon like oxides (carbon monoxide
                                                                                    The study of organic compounds such
                 and carbon dioxide), carbonates, hydrogen carbonates and
                                                                                    as hydrocarbons and their deriva  ves
                 carbides come under the category of inorganic compounds
                                                                                    is called organic chemistry.
                 since they are of non-biological origin.
                 Some of the common organic and inorganic compounds are given in Table 9.1.

                                               Table 9.1: Organic and Inorganic Compounds
                                   Organic compounds                                 Inorganic compounds

                             Name                Chemical formula               Name               Chemical formula
                    Hydrocarbons                                       Carbon dioxide           CO 2

                    Methane                   CH 4                     Carbon monoxide          CO
                    Ethane                    C H 6                    Calcium carbonate        CaCO 3
                    Ethyne                    C H 2                    Sodium carbonate         Na CO 3
                    Benzene                   C H 6                    Zinc carbonate           ZnCO 3
                    Naphthalene               C H 8                    Copper carbonate         CuCO 3
                    Alcohols                                           Sodium bicarbonate       NaHCO 3
                    Methyl alcohol            CH OH                    Calcium bicarbonate      Ca(HCO )
                                                                                                       3 2
                    Ethyl alcohol             C H OH
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