Page 199 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 199

Many proper  es of diamond such as hardness, high density, high mel  ng point (3500°C), high refrac  ve
                 index and non-conduc  ng nature are a  ributed to its crystalline structure.
                 Value of Diamond

                 The value of a diamond depends upon its weight and the impuri  es present in it. The weight of a diamond
                 is expressed in carats.
                           1 carat = 200 mg = 0.2 g                 Know Your Scientist
                 The famous Kohinoor diamond weighed                Ferdinand Frederick Henri Moissan (1852–1907) was
                 186 carats.                                        the  fi rst person to prepare ar  fi cial diamonds. In
                 The four C’s—carat, cut, colour and clarity        1892 he made his  fi rst  ar  fi cial diamond for which
                                                                    he prepared an electric-arc furnace. In that furnace,
                 best describe the quality of a diamond.
                                                                    he heated a mixture of sugar charcoal and iron about
                 Colourless, transparent diamonds are the
                                                                    4000°C. He proposed a theory that diamond could be
                 most expensive  ones as they have negligible       made through crystallisa  on of carbon by placing it
                 impurity.                                          under pressure using molten iron.

                 Properties of Diamond

                     •  Pure diamond is a colourless, transparent substance with extraordinary brilliance. Raw diamonds
                        do not shine. They shine a  er undergoing cu   ng and
                        polishing procedures such that their angled-faces refl ect        Thirst for Knowledge
                        light and break it into diff erent colours. It is the presence
                                                                                        •  Black diamonds are the
                        of small traces of metallic oxides and salts that imparts
                                                                                           hardest of all.
                        dis  nct colours to diamonds.
                                                                                        •  Diamond is transparent to
                     •  Diamond is the hardest natural substance known.                    visible light and X-rays. Using
                     •  Diamond has a high density of 3.5 g cm .                           X-rays, we can diff eren  ate
                     •  Diamond does not conduct electricity but it conducts               between a fake diamond and
                                                                                           a real one.
                        heat extremely well.
                     •  Diamond has high mel  ng point of 3500°C. It sublimes when heated to this temperature.
                     •  When diamond is heated to 800°C in the presence of oxygen, then only carbon dioxide gas is
                        formed. This shows that diamond is made up only of carbon.
                     •  Diamond is insoluble in all solvents.
                     •  Diamond does not react with any chemical.

                 Uses of Diamond
                     •  Diamonds are used in instruments like glass cu  ers and rock
                        drilling equipments.

                     •  Diamonds are used for making jewellery because of their
                        extraordinary brilliance.
                     •  Diamonds are used by eye surgeons as surgical tool to perform          Fig. 9.3: Diamond jewellery
                        certain eye surgeries with great precision.
                     •  Diamond dust is used for polishing other diamonds and valuable stones.

                     •  Diamonds can withstand high radia  on in space and are used for making protec  ve windows for
                        spacecra  s and satellites.

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