Page 203 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 203

Amorphous Forms of Carbon

                 The word amorphous means lacking in shape and form. The
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                 amorphous forms of carbon contain loosely held par  cles and
                 hence have no par  cular shape or structure.                          The amorphous form of any

                 The amorphous forms of carbon are charcoal, coke, gas carbon,         substance is more ac  ve than its
                                                                                       crystalline form. This is because
                 lampblack (carbon black or soot) and coal. These forms of
                                                                                       the small pieces of amorphous
                 carbon can be easily broken into smaller pieces and in this way
                                                                                       form have more surface area as
                 the surface area of the substance increases.
                                                                                       compared to crystalline form.

                 Charcoal is obtained by strongly hea  ng organic ma  er such as wood, bones and sugar in either the
                 absence of air or limited supply of air. In this process, bigger molecules break down into smaller ones and
                 vola  le impuri  es are driven off . This process is called destruc  ve dis  lla  on.
                 Destruc  ve dis  lla  on is the process in which break down of an organic substance takes place when it is
                 heated strongly in the absence of air. In this process, when substances with low boiling points are heated,
                 they escape leaving behind charcoal.

                 Depending upon the source used, there are three types of charcoal—wood charcoal, bone or animal
                 charcoal and sugar charcoal.
                 Wood Charcoal

                 Wood charcoal is black, porous and bri  le solid. It is obtained by
                 destruc  ve dis  lla  on of wood. During this process a mixture of
                 gases like carbon dioxide (CO ), carbon monoxide (CO), methane
                 (CH ) and hydrogen (H ) is also formed. This mixture is combus  ble
                 and is known as wood gas.
                 In the laboratory, wood charcoal is prepared by hea  ng  wood
                                                                                         Fig. 9.7:  Preparation of wood charcoal
                 shavings or saw dust in the absence of air.                               by destructive distillation of wood
                 Physical Properties of Wood Charcoal

                     •  The density of wood charcoal is 1.5 g cm  which is greater than that of water but it fl oats on water
                        since it is porous. It has the capacity to hold air in its pores.
                     •  It is a bad conductor of heat and electricity
                     •  Wood charcoal is a good adsorbent of gases, liquids and solids. An adsorbent has the capacity to
                        a  ract to its surface the molecules of a gas or solu  on with which it is in contact.

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                    Locally, wood charcoal is prepared by piling logs of wood one above the
                    other with a gap in the centre of the pile. The pile is covered with wet
                    clay, to prevent the entry of air. A few holes are le   at the bo  om of the
                    pile. The wood is set on fi re. When the fi re dies out, wood charcoal is

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