Page 204 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 204
Activity 9.3
Aim: To show that wood charcoal is a good adsorbent
Materials required: A gas jar, some hydrogen sulphide gas, some wood hydrogen
charcoal sulphide gas
• Take a gas jar and fi ll it with hydrogen sulphide gas. It gives a pungent
• Put some charcoal pieces in the jar and close the lid. charcoal
• Shake the jar and leave it s ll for some me.
• Remove the lid and smell.
Observa on: The pungent smell given out by hydrogen sulphide is no longer there.
Conclusion: This shows that charcoal is a good adsorbent.
Uses of Wood Charcoal Diff erence between Adsorp on
• Wood charcoal is widely used as a fuel. It is a be er fuel and Absorp on
than wood due to the following reasons. Adsorp on is the surface reten on
of molecules of a liquid, gas or a
(i) Its igni on temperature is lower than that of wood. solu on by a solid or liquid. On
(ii) It has higher calorifi c value than that of wood. the other hand, absorp on is the
penetra on of substances into the
(iii) It produces no smoke, i.e., causes less air pollu on than bulk of the solid or liquid.
• It is used as a reducing agent in the extrac on of metals from their metallic oxides.
• Since it has a high adsorbing capacity, it is used in gas masks for military and industrial purposes.
• It is a cons tuent of gunpowder which is an explosive used in guns and rifl es.
• Because it adsorbs coloured materials also, it is used as a decolourising agent in sugar solu ons.
• It is used to prepare an -gastric tablets that are used by people suff ering from indiges on and
gastric problems.
• It is used to prepare deodorants as it also adsorbs foul-smelling gases.
• It is used in making fi lters and sieves.
Activated Charcoal
Ac vated charcoal is formed by hea ng wood charcoal at around 900°C in limited supply of air. In powdered
form, ac vated charcoal has more surface area than that of wood charcoal. It is therefore more eff ec ve
and more widely used as an adsorbent.
Ac vated charcoal is used as a catalyst in various chemical reac ons. It is also used to separate a mixture
of noble gases.