Page 206 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 206

Sugar Charcoal

                 Sugar charcoal is the purest available amorphous form of carbon. It is prepared by destruc  ve dis  lla  on
                 of cane sugar or glucose.
                                       C H O   11                    12C        +    11H O
                                        12 22
                                       Cane sugar                Sugar charcoal       Water
                 It can also be prepared by dehydra  ng cane sugar or glucose with concentrated sulphuric acid. In this
                 process, a residual black mass is obtained that is washed and dried.
                                               Conc. H SO
                                  C H O  11           2  4        12C       + 11H O
                                   12 22
                                 Cane sugar                  Sugar charcoal      Water
                 Uses of Sugar Charcoal

                     •  It is used as a reducing agent to extract metals from their oxides.
                     •  It is used as a decolourising agent.

                     •  It is used to prepare ar  fi cial diamonds by subjec  ng it to heat at 3000°C–3500°C.
                        Sugar charcoal                      Ar  fi cial diamond

                           Activity 9.5

                 Aim: To observe that charcoal is a decoloursing agent, i.e., it absorbs colouring ma  er

                 Materials required: A beaker, some water, blue ink, some powdered charcoal
                   •  Take some water in a beaker and add a few drops of blue ink to it.

                   •  Now add some powdered charcoal to the beaker and s  r well for some   me.
                 Observa  on: You will observe that the blue colour of the solu  on fades away.
                 Conclusion: This shows that charcoal is a decolourising agent.

                           Activity 9.6

                 Aim: To show the forma  on of sugar charcoal

                 Materials required: A watch glass, some glucose, some
                 concentrated sulphuric acid
                 Procedure                                                          glucose               sugar charcoal
                   •  Take some glucose in a watch glass.

                   •  Add a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid to it.
                 Observa  on: The white substance has turned into a black spongy mass of carbon.
                 Conclusion: This black mass obtained is sugar charcoal.

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