Page 211 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 211

carbon cycle. It is formed during the combus  on of hydrocarbon fuels and is also produced in respira  on.
                 Plants use the atmospheric carbon dioxide to prepare food during the process of photosynthesis.
                 Jan Bap  sta van Helmont discovered carbon dioxide gas. Joseph Black showed that limestone cons  tutes
                 of carbon dioxide. The role of carbon dioxide in respira  on was studied by Antoine Lavoisier.

                 Preparation of Carbon Dioxide

                 Carbon dioxide can be prepared in the following ways.
                     •  By the reac  on of dilute acids with metal carbonates

                     •  By burning carbon
                     • By hea  ng metal carbonates or metal hydrogen carbonates

                 By the Reaction of Dilute Acids with Metal Carbonates

                 Dilute acids such as dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with calcium carbonate to form carbon dioxide.
                            2HCl        +        CaCO 3                    CaCl 2    +    H O     +      CO 2
                       Hydrochloric acid    Calcium carbonate         Calcium chloride    Water     Carbon dioxide
                     •  A few chips of marble [calcium carbonate (CaCO )] are taken in a Woulfe’s bo  le which is a double-
                        mouthed glass bo  le with two necks.

                     •  A few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid are added through a thistle funnel.
                     • An eff ervescence is observed when the acid reacts with marble and carbon dioxide is released.
                     •  Carbon dioxide is heavier than air. It is collected by the upward displacement of air in a glass jar.

                                                              dil. HCl
                                                              dil. HCl

                                        thistle funnel el

                                     Woulfe’s bottle
                                                                                           carbon dioxiderb
                                       marble chips

                                              Fig. 9.11:  Preparation of carbon dioxide in the laboratory
                 By Burning Carbon

                 Fuels containing carbon release carbon dioxide on burning.
                                      C      +      O 2                 CO 2    +    Heat
                                    Carbon       Oxygen            Carbon dioxide
                      Fuel    +   Oxygen              Carbon dioxide  +  Water vapour  +  Heat  +  Light

                     Wood +       Oxygen              Carbon dioxide  +  Water vapour  +  Heat  +  Light

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