Page 212 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 212

By Heating Metal Carbonates or Metal Hydrogen Carbonates

                 Metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates when heated produce carbon dioxide.
                                   CuCO  3                      CuO       +     CO 2
                              Copper carbonate              Copper oxide    Carbon dioxide
                                  2NaHCO  3                   Na CO  3    +     H O     +      CO 2
                               Sodium hydrogen            Sodium carbonate     Water       Carbon dioxide
                 Tests for Carbon Dioxide

                 We perform the following tests to check the presence of carbon dioxide.
                     •  On passing carbon dioxide through lime water, lime water turns milky due to the forma  on of
                        calcium carbonate which is insoluble. However, when excess of carbon dioxide is passed through
                        lime water, the milkiness disappears due to the forma  on of calcium bicarbonate which is soluble
                        in water.

                     • On pu   ng a burning candle or a burning splinter in a jar which contains carbon dioxide, it is
                        observed that the  fl ame gets ex  nguished. This shows that carbon dioxide does not support
                        combus  on.

                                       (a) burning splinter          (b) carbon dioxide present in a jar causes
                                                                            extinguishing of fl ame

                                                Fig. 9.12:  Carbon dioxide: non-supporter of burning

                           Activity 9.8

                 Aim: To show that carbon dioxide is heavier than air and does not support combus  on
                 Materials required: A big glass container, 4–5 candles of diff erent
                 height, baking soda, vinegar

                   •  Fix the diff erent sized candles in the container.

                   •  Add a heaped tablespoon of baking soda in the container.
                   •  Light the candles.
                   •  Now, pour vinegar a tablespoon at a   me on the baking

                 Observa  on: You will no  ce that the candle fl ames go out one at
                 a   me, star  ng with the shortest.

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