Page 214 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 214

On passing excess of carbon dioxide through alkalis, a soluble bicarbonate is produced.
                                 Na CO 3     +        CO 2     +    H O                 2NaHCO   3
                            Sodium carbonate    Carbon dioxide     Water            Sodium bicarbonate
                                 K CO  3     +        CO 2     +    H O                  2KHCO  3
                           Potassium carbonate   Carbon dioxide     Water          Potassium bicarbonate
                 When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns lime water milky. This happens due to the
                 forma  on of calcium carbonate which is insoluble in water. However, on passing excess of carbon dioxide
                 gas through the solu  on, the milkiness disappears which occurs due to the forma  on of a soluble

                                Ca(OH)  2    +        CO                  CaCO  3     +     H O
                               Lime water       Carbon dioxide       Calcium carbonate     Water
                                 CaCO  3     +     H O     +      CO                    Ca(HCO )
                                                                                                3 2
                            Calcium carbonate     Water      Carbon dioxide         Calcium bicarbonate
                     •  Carbon dioxide reacts with metallic oxides and forms metal carbonates.

                                  Na O         +        CO                        Na CO  3
                              Sodium oxide         Carbon dioxide             Sodium carbonate
                                  MgO          +        CO                        MgCO   3
                            Magnesium oxide        Carbon dioxide           Magnesium carbonate
                 Uses of Carbon Dioxide

                 Following are the uses of carbon dioxide.
                     •  Aerated drinks: Carbon dioxide is used to manufacture aerated drinks. On dissolving carbon
                        dioxide gas in water, soda water is formed. Soda water has a sharp and sour taste which is due to
                        the forma  on of carbonic acid. Sugar, colour and fl avour are mixed with soda water to prepare a
                        so   drink.
                     •  Dry ice: Solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice. It acts as a good refrigerant and is used to preserve
                        food items such as fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. Grains are also kept in an atmosphere of carbon
                        dioxide in order to prevent them from insect a  acks and keep them in a good condi  on for a long
                        dura  on.

                     •  Fer  lisers: Carbon dioxide and ammonia are heated at 200°C under high pressure to prepare urea
                        which is an important nitrogenous fer  liser.
                     •  Carbogen: Carbogen is a mixture of 5% carbon and 95% oxygen. It is used for ar  fi cial respira  on.
                        It is given to pa  ents who are suff ering from pneumonia, poisoning, drowning, etc.

                     •  Washing soda and baking soda: Carbon dioxide is used to manufacture washing soda (sodium
                        carbonate) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).
                     •  Baking industry: Carbon dioxide is used in the baking industry to make the dough rise and become
                        light. Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda and potassium hydrogen tartrate. On adding
                        baking powder to the dough, the ingredients of baking soda react to produce carbon dioxide.

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