Page 218 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 218

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning:
                     •  Take the person into an open area immediately.

                     • Give ar  fi cial respira  on with carbogen (95% oxygen + 5% carbon dioxide).

                 How is Carbon Monoxide Added to the Atmosphere?

                     •  Incomplete burning of fuels: The burning of fuels such as coal, coke and charcoal in a limited
                        supply of air or oxygen leads to the forma  on of carbon monoxide. Air or oxygen reacts with
                        carbon and forms carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide formed on passing through red-hot coal or
                        coke converts to carbon monoxide.
                                           C        +      O                     CO 2       + Heat
                                         Carbon         Oxygen              Carbon dioxide

                                          CO 2      +      C                    2CO
                                     Carbon dioxide      Carbon            Carbon monoxide
                     •  Exhaust fumes: The complete combus  on of fuels consis  ng of hydrocarbons leads to the forma  on
                        of water and carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is formed when hydrocarbon fuels are burnt in a
                        limited supply of air. This takes place generally in the engines of automobiles and therefore the
                        automobile exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide.

                   Wood is only 50–55% fuel. Burning of wood is an incomplete combus  on and it emits harmful smoke.
                   Thus, the Government of India is constantly making eff orts to spread the use of Liquefi ed Petroleum
                   Gas (LPG) as a cooking fuel by coming up with the schemes like Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY).
                   PMUY aims at providing clean cooking fuel to the households below poverty line.

                      Take a Break!

                     Answer in one word.

                      1.  A colourless gas that cons  tutes about 0.04% of air by volume           _________________

                      2.  The scien  st who discovered carbon dioxide gas                          _________________
                      3.  A mixture of 5% carbon and 95% oxygen                                    _________________
                      4.  An oxide of carbon which is a highly poisonous gas                       _________________

                      5.  A compound formed when carbon monoxide combines with
                          haemoglobin present in the blood                                         _________________

                                                             Terms to Know

                 Organic compounds:        The compounds of carbon of biological origin

                 Allotropes:               The various physical forms in which an element can exist
                 Allotropy:                The phenomenon of existence of an element in more than one form in the same
                                           physical state

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