Page 223 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 223

Observa  on:
                      The nickel chloride solu  on turns pink with the evolu  on of a colourless gas. The bluish par  cles of
                      copper metal are formed in the test tube.
                      This shows that copper oxide consis  ng of carbon reduces copper(II) oxide to copper metal and carbon
                      dioxide gas is evolved.

                                                         CuO + C          Cu + CO

                 C.  Answer in detail.

                       1.  Write a note on the occurrence of carbon.
                       2.  Write the chemical proper  es of carbon.
                       3.  Write a note on the crystalline forms of carbon.

                       4.  List the proper  es of diamond.
                       5.  Write the proper  es and uses of buckminsterfullerene.
                       6.  Write the uses of wood charcoal.
                       7.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that charcoal is a good reducing agent.

                       8.  How is coal formed? Write the uses of coal. Explain destruc  ve dis  lla  on of coal.
                       9.  How is carbon dioxide prepared? Write the tests performed to test the presence of carbon dioxide.

                      10.  Write the uses of carbon dioxide.
                      11.  What is greenhouse eff ect?
                      12.  What is global warming? What are the eff ects of global warming?
                      13.  Discuss the causes of increased concentra  on of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Write the measures
                           to balance the concentra  on of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
                      14.  Write the proper  es of carbon monoxide. How is carbon monoxide poisoning caused? What
                           precau  ons should be taken to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning?

                      15.  How is carbon monoxide added to the atmosphere?

                  OBSERVE AND PERFORM

                   Observe the given image carefully and answer the following ques  ons.

                       1.  What is shown in the given image?

                       2.  Name the four varie  es of coal.
                       3. Diff eren  ate between peat and lignite.

                       4.  How is the carbon content of coal related to its calorifi c value?

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