Page 222 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 222

5.  Types of charcoal                           6.  Types of coke
                       7.  Types of coal                               8.  Tests for carbon dioxide

                 B.  Give reasons for the following statements.
                       1.  Bakelite is used to make electrical switches and handles of various utensils.

                       2.  Carbon forms carbon dioxide when heated with excess supply of oxygen.
                       3.  Wood charcoal is a be  er fuel than wood.
                       4.  Solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice.
                       5.  Lime water turns milky when carbon dioxide is passed through it.
                       6.  Soda water has a sharp and sour taste.

                       7.  Carbon dioxide is used in making fi re ex  nguishers.
                       8.  It is dangerous to sleep in a closed room with a coal fi re burning.

                 C.  Answer in short.
                       1.  What are organic compounds? Give some examples.

                       2.  What is the reason for the presence of such a large number of carbon compounds?
                       3.  What is allotropy? What are the two allotropic forms of carbon?

                       4.  Give any two uses of diamond.
                       5.  Give any two uses of buckminsterfullerene.
                       6.  What is ac  vated charcoal? Give any two uses of ac  vated charcoal.

                       7.  What is anthracite?
                       8.  List the ways how carbon dioxide is prepared.

                       9.  What is global warming? What are the eff ects of global warming?
                      10.  How is carbon monoxide added to the atmosphere?

                 AT LENGTH

                 A. Diff eren  ate between the following.
                       1.  Natural diamonds and ar  fi cial diamonds
                       2.  Diamond and graphite

                       3.  Wood charcoal and ac  vated charcoal
                       4.  Bone charcoal and sugar charcoal
                       5.  Coke and gas carbon
                       6.  Lignite and bituminous

                 B.  Read the following paragraph. Iden  fy the incorrect parts.
                      To show that charcoal is a good reducing agent
                        •  Take some black calcium (II) oxide in a test tube. Heat it with powdered copper oxide.

                        •  Pass the gas evolved through nickel.

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