Page 225 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 225

Review Your Learning

                 A.  Answer in one word/a few words.
                       1.  A carbon compound which is an insulator and is used to make electrical
                           switches and handles of various utensils                                      _______________
                       2.  The purest form of carbon                                                     _______________
                       3.  A spherical, crystalline allotropic form of carbon consis  ng of 60 atoms     _______________

                       4.  The process in which break down of an organic substance takes place
                           when it is heated in the presence of air                                      _______________
                       5.  A type of charcoal that is used to remove fl uoride from water                 _______________
                       6.  A variety of coal which contains over 90% of carbon                           _______________

                 B.  State whether the given statements are true (T) or false (F).
                       1.  Polythene is used to make items such as carry bags, pipes and household ar  cles.

                       2.  All forms of carbon diff er in their physical proper  es.
                       3.  Graphite is used in making crucibles for mel  ng metals due to its low mel  ng point.
                       4.  Wood charcoal is a bad conductor of electricity.
                       5. The fi rst step of coal forma  on begins with lignite.

                       6.  Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas that cons  tutes about 0.04% of air by volume.
                 C.  Explain the following terms.

                       1. Organic compounds                   2. Allotropy                   3. Wood gas
                       4. Carbonisa  on                       5.  Dry ice                    6.  Global warming

                 D.  Answer the following ques  ons.
                       1.   Write some useful carbon products and state their uses.
                       2.  Discuss about the allotropes of carbon.
                       3.  Write the proper  es and uses of graphite.

                       4.  Write a note on amorphous forms of carbon.
                       5.  How is coal formed? What are the diff erent types of coal?
                       6.  Write the physical and chemical proper  es of carbon dioxide.

                       7.  With the help of an ac  vity, show that carbon dioxide is heavier than air and does not support
                           combus  on.

                       8.  What are the uses of carbon dioxide?
                       9.  How can the concentra  on of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere be balanced?
                      10.  How is carbon monoxide formed? How is carbon monoxide added to the atmosphere?


                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Greenhouse Eff ect’. Find the related informa  on  and
                   images using the Internet. Add audio and visual eff ects to your presenta  on. Format it as per your choice.

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