Page 224 - ICSE Chemistry 8
P. 224

APPLY YOUR LEARNING                                        LIFE SKILLS

                   A.  Write a chemical reac  on in which carbon is oxidised   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on  on
                      to carbon dioxide.                                      the topic ‘Measures to Balance the
                   B.  Why does a diamond crystal appear to be a closely-     Concentra  on of Carbon Dioxide in the
                      packed three-dimensional rigid structure?               Atmosphere’ in a group of two or three
                   C.  How can you show that diamond is made up of            students. Insert related informa  on, images
                      carbon only?                                            and videos using the Internet. Format the
                   D.  Why does graphite conduct electricity?                 presenta  on as per your choice. Present it
                   E.  Name the varie  es of coal having the maximum and      in the class.
                      the minimum calorifi c value.                             (Teamwork and Care for Environment)

                   INTEGRATE YOUR LEARNING

                   Integrate with Geography

                   Create a report in a Word document on the topic ‘Major Coal Producing States in India’. Find the related
                   informa  on using the Internet. Insert related images.
                   Integrate with Biology

                   Create a PowerPoint presenta  on on the topic ‘Carbon Cycle and Its Signifi cance’. Find the related
                   informa  on using the Internet. Insert related images and videos.

                                                      PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES

                    Crea  ng a Presenta  on
                    Create a Powe rPoint  presenta  on on the topic ‘Compounds of Carbon’. Insert related informa  on,
                    images and videos using the Internet. Format the presenta  on as per your choice.

                    Making a Chart
                    Make a chart on the topic ‘Allotropes of Carbon’.  Draw or paste related images.

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